Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Standardizace dat, správa dat a analýza a šíření dat pro EU agenturu z Frankfurtu

Tendr: Vývoj XBRL a DPM (External Service Provision for Extensible Business Reporting Language and Data Point Model Developments)

Zadavatel: Evropský orgán pro pojišťovnictví a zaměstnanecké penzijní pojištění (EIOPA), Frankfurt-am-Main

Kontrakt na 48 měsíců / budget €4.160.300

Deadline 15/5

Základní kritéria / požadavky pro účast v tendru: minimální obrat €1.100.000 / rok v posledních 3 letech. A dále:

Minimum level of capacity T1:

 Tenderers must have the manpower to provide the services in the domain.

 Tenderers must have the capacity to provide a contract manager (i.e. a permanent contact person for contract and client management) with the following experience and expertise:

o University or college degree in computer science, computer engineering, business administration or related studies;

o At least 6 years of account management experience, including overseeing project delivery and quality control;

o Experience in managing teams of at least 10 people;

o Very good command of English, both spoken and written (at least level B2 or equivalent).

Minimum level of capacity T2:

 Tenderers must have completed five projects in the domain described in the Terms of Reference and the Service Requirements between 1 March 2013 and 31 February 2019.

Each project must meet the following requirements:

o The individual contract value must have been at least 100,000 EUR (excluding VAT);

o The client had at least 100 employees;

o The project team must have consisted of at least 5 members;

o The project team must have included at least three of the following profiles in terms of skills as defined in the Terms of Reference: Project Manager, XBRL Taxonomy Development Expert, Financial Reporting Modelling Expert, DPM and XBRL Software Development Expert, XBRL Tester;

o Only the solutions using at least one of the following technologies are considered:

 Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Taxonomy Development

 Data Point Model development (DPM)

 DPM or XBRL Software Development

The Tenderer must have delivered at least two solutions for each of the following technologies:

o Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Taxonomy Development

o Data Point Model development (DPM)

o DPM or XBRL Software Development

Minimum level of capacity T3: The tenderer must demonstrate its capacity to provide the following key profiles:

1. Project Manager

2. XBRL Taxonomy Development Expert

3. Financial Reporting Modelling Expert

4. DPM and XBRL Software Development Expert

5. XBRL Tester

Minimum level of capacity T4: Services provided under the framework contract presuppose the possession of the necessary hardware and software by the tenderers to provide the requested services and deliverables, as described in 1-06a Service Requirements. More precisely, tenderers shall have fully operational computers/laptops with the related software licences to be used by their staff (operating systems, office tools, project management tools, XML, XBRL, etc.), including the XML and XBRL software licences, to create, modify and validate XBRL taxonomies (at least with three different engines) or XBRL instances which are delivered to EIOPA or the other Contracting Authorities (such deliverables may be published and/or further distributed and in particular under the conditions of EIOPA’s Taxonomy Licence  – as this might be further updated).

Minimum level of capacity T5: Tenderers must have management procedure put in place to minimise the environmental impact of the service.

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