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Software a řešení správy poplatků pro Evropský investiční fond


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Zakázka: Pořízení softwaru a poskytování dodavatelských služeb týkajících se implementace řešení správy poplatků podle principu end-to-end

Zadavatel: Evropský investiční fond (Lucembursko) – spadá pod Evropskou investiční banku

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.300.000

Tento tendr má 2 fáze: nejprve je třeba projevit zájem (do 21/1), po vyhodnocení budou vybraní zájemci vyzváni k podání nabídky – a dostanou celou zadávací dokumentaci (očekávaný termín: polovina února 2020).

Short description:

The EIF operations and information management department is responsible for all middle-and back-office tasks within EIF. The Cash Flow Management Division (OIM-CFM) among other tasks:

— administers cash-in and cash-out activities for EIF,

— calculates mandate — and deal-level fees,

— prepares monthly accruals for all mandates under EIF management,

— prepares and sends invoices to all relevant parties,

— follows-up with the financial intermediaries on questions regarding provided documentation and data needed to finalize portfolio inclusions and thus validate the paid guarantee fees.

The EIF is launching this Procurement procedure to equip OIM-CFM with an encompassing solution (software) and supporting services to fully automate the set-up and calculation of all fees, 4-eyes principle validation workflow, approval workflow, invoice generation and dispatch, system of record data storage and general ledger feed.

Technical and professional capacity 


 Candidates must have been operating in the sector for a minimum of 3 (three) years and must employ a minimum of 15 (fifteen) staff with relevant experience in fees calculation field out of whom at least 8 will be assigned to this project as implementation consultants.

 Candidates must have an existing and well-tested specialized fee calculation software that has been used for at least 3 (three) years by the customers provided in the references (i.e., ‘live’ clients with solution provided by the Candidate).

 The proposed solution must have a stand-alone package and should not require any additional licences or services from third parties.

 The Candidate has to comply with the applicable laws and regulation in relation to the provision of the required Services.

 The Candidate must have an existing ISMS (Information Security Management System) in place related to the relevant scope of the Services.

Economic and financial capacity


 The Candidate must be in a stable financial position and have the financial capacity to provide the required Services.

 The Candidate must have for each of the past 3 financial years for which accounts have been closed and final audited figures are available, an annual turnover of at least EUR 1,700,000 as regards the required Services.

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