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Jak EU zvládá krize: Brusel hledá profi AV produkci, která by to pochopila a natočila😊

Call: Production and distribution of professional audio-visual material in disasters and crises, and on EU relevant response

Zadavatel: European Commission – Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €2.000.000

Deadline: 22/7

Zájemci o detaily a pomoc s přípravou nabídky volejte nebo piste: / +32-473-116804.

Background and objectives: The purpose of the contract is to provide the contracting authority with professional audio-visual material illustrating its work in the field of crisis response, including at very short notice and in demanding circumstances such as post-disaster and conflict zones, in all possible regions and countries in the world. The contract will also support the dissemination and promotion of the final products among the media. The contractor will be asked to produce photographs and videos in different formats and designed for distribution via multiple channels.

Services required: Production of professional photographs and videos with the focus on EU response to sudden emergencies and humanitarian crises, often in complex and dangerous settings such as post-disaster or conflict zones. The audio-visual material must be produced up to professional broadcast or publication standards from a conceptual, editorial and technical point of view. The final products shall contain readily comprehensible messages for a non-specialist public, which are imaginative and exciting, and convey the beneficial impact of the EU actions in the world, while respecting the dignity of all beneficiaries and partners portrayed. The contracting authority will distribute and promote the final deliverables on their own channels (social media, Europa websites). In addition, the contractor will distribute and promote the material indicated by the contracting authority (e.g. a Video News Release) via their national and international broadcasters’ network. The distribution will be followed by a monitoring report.

Travel and accommodation are reimbursed separately in accordance with Articles I.5.3 and II.22 of the Draft Framework Contract (Annex 8). The list of daily subsistence allowance is in Annex IV to the Draft Framework Contract.

Place of performance – The services will be performed at the following locations:

–              The contractor’s premises (pre-production, post-production);

–              Any country in the world affected by a disaster, natural hazard or conflict, decided on a case-by-case basis depending on current events and sudden emergencies (production).

Základní požadavky:

* Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 750,000 EUR per year

* The tenderer must prove solid professional experience in the field of audio-visual production of professional broadcast standard, worldwide, including in demanding circumstances such as post-disaster or conflict zones.

As minimum requirements, the tenderer should have, within the past three (3) years:

–              Produced and delivered ten (10) videos of broadcast quality covering at least three (3) different disaster response actions, conflicts, humanitarian crises, or similar high-risk incidents;

–              Produced and edited ten (10) photo reportages covering at least three (3) disaster response actions, conflicts, humanitarian crises, or similar high-risk incidents;

–              Produced and delivered ten (10) short video clips of professional quality for online dissemination in at least five (5) non-EU countries;

–              Produced at least three (3) videos in at least two (2) language versions.

Team: Producer, Project Manager, Camera Operator, Photographer,

Coverage: The geographical area concerned by the contract may be any area in the world affected by a natural hazard or conflict; therefore, the contractor must have a vast network of qualified service providers (producers, photographers, camera operators) based in different countries worldwide to assure the audio-visual mission can take place at very short notice. In addition, the contractor must be prepared and willing to operate in high risk areas where the security situation is volatile.

The tenderer shall submit letters of intent from his service providers network contact points (e.g. local bureaux or subcontractors) based in:

–              3 different countries in Africa, with ability to cover the entire region;

–              3 different countries in the region consisting of: South America, Central America and the Caribbean, with ability to cover the entire region;

–              3 different countries in the region consisting of: Asia and the Middle East, with ability to cover the entire region;

–              3 different countries in Europe, with ability to cover the entire region.

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