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Informační materiály o přírodě a biodiverzitě: Evropská komise potřebuje profi podporu

Informační materiály o přírodě a biologické rozmanitosti

Evropská komise, Directorate General Environment, Brusel

Kontrakt na 36 měsíců / budget €510.000

Deadline 31/8

Stručný popis: Podpora komunikačních činností zaměřených na výrobu informačních materiálů na podporu provádění politiky EU v oblasti přírody a biologické rozmanitosti.

The services requested will include four main tasks:

Task A: Production of the Natura 2000 Newsletter twice per year This task includes drafting the Natura 2000 Newsletter, in a ready-to-print high quality format. The contractor will, in addition to drafting and lay-out, ensure the translation and supply of corresponding PDF files for printing and publication for the nature and biodiversity website. The Newsletter will cover articles on key issues within nature and biodiversity policy, and news items – all in a brief, attractive and accessible manner. Number of issues is currently 2 per year, and number of pages 16; general production planning/timetable, as well as structure and content, will be suggested by the tenderer in the offer. It will be fine-tuned and agreed between the winning tenderer and the Commission after the contract signature.

Task B: Production of other information materials (leaflets, brochures, posters, info sheets, content for press releases, content for social media) The contractor will assist the Commission in developing and producing information material addressed to the various target groups: Member States authorities, stakeholders, professional organisations and interested public at EU level. The work will include the following: 9 ■ Preparation (content drafting and layout) of 7-10 ready to print thematic leaflets and/or info sheets of 5-10 pages maximum ■ Preparation (content drafting and layout) of 4-5 ready to print other thematic materials like flyers, posters etc. (which will normally relate to leaflets or info sheets or reflect the latest development of the nature and biodiversity website) ■ Drafting of 5-7 press releases (including technical input in terms of information on examples of specific habitats and species) ■ Preparation (text and visuals including infographics) of 12-15 social media posts The technical specifications for the newsletter under Task A concerning writing, illustrations, Europa web site, design and deliverables for printing will apply to the “Other information material” under Task B as appropriate. For the social media material, the theme of each post will be chosen by the Commission based on the suggestions made by the contractor. The main social media channels that DG ENV is using are the EU Environment Facebook account, EU Environment Twitter account (@EUENV) and the EU Environment and Climate Instagram account (ourplanet_eu). All other materials will be prepared upon request of the Commission on specific themes. The Commission will provide the contractor with the necessary background material. The process of acceptance by DG-ENV is an interactive process that contains at least the following phases: • delivery of a version to DG-ENV • validation by DG-ENV • correction by the contractor

Task C: Updates on the nature and biodiversity website The contractor is expected to provide a text for updates on the nature and biodiversity website 5 , at least 12 per year. Updating can include information on all areas available on the nature and biodiversity website’s menu, i.e. Biodiversity Policy, Nature Directives, Natura 2000, Invasive Alien Species etc. The Commission will provide the necessary background documents. Suggestions for updating should come from the Contractor. The Commission may also request updating of specific webpages. The process of acceptance by DG-ENV is an interactive process that contains at least the following phases: • delivery of a version to DG-ENV • validation by DG-ENV • correction by the contractor

Task D: Networking and cooperation The contractor is expected to assist the Commission in organising seminars, workshops or other PR activities. The costs for booking a venue, possible catering, travel and accommodation will not be covered by this contract. The contractor is also expected to assist the Commission in promoting the EU nature and biodiversity policy by manning stands, distributing relevant information material and networking at events. The contractor should also be prepared to cooperate with relevant parties or communication correspondents according to the instructions from the Commission. The contractor is expected to participate in regular meetings organised at the Commission premises (at least 4 times per year) to report on the progress made on the implementation of the tasks and to discuss possible technical questions. The agenda of these meetings will be prepared in advance by the contractor and approved by the Commission. The contractor will be responsible for minutes’ taking during the meetings. The minutes should be sent to the Commission for approval within two weeks of the meeting. 20 man-days should be allocated for these ad-hoc activities to be implemented by the contractor upon the Commission’s request.

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