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Frontex vypsal tendr na “mise leteckého dohledu” u pobřeží EU i přímo na moři

Frontex Surveillance Aircraft Services for Border & Coast Guard Functions (FSA I)

LOT 1 Mise pevninského/pobřežního dohledu  Kategorie misí pevninského/pobřežního dohledu s poskytováním informací:a) prostřednictvím vzdáleného portálu mise a sdílení zpracovaného provozního snímku;b) prostřednictvím přímého přenosu nezpracovaných údajů.

LOT 2 Mise námořního dohledu středního dosahu      Kategorie misí námořních dohledu středního dosahu s poskytováním informací:a) prostřednictvím vzdáleného portálu mise a sdílení zpracovaného provozního snímku;b) prostřednictvím přímého přenosu nezpracovaných údajů.

LOT 3 Dálkové mise námořního dohledu Kategorie dálkových misí námořního dohledu s poskytováním informací:a) prostřednictvím vzdáleného portálu mise a sdílení zpracovaného provozního snímku;b) prostřednictvím přímého přenosu nezpracovaných údajů.

LOT 4 Vrtulníkové mise dohledu  Kategorie vrtulníkových misí dohledu s poskytnutím informací:a) prostřednictvím vzdáleného portálu mise a sdílení zpracovaného provozního snímku;b) prostřednictvím přímého přenosu nezpracovaných údajů.

The estimated division of budgetary allocations per each lot is as follows:

Lot 1: 14,000,000 EUR;

– Frontex contribution – 14,000,000 EUR;

Lot 2: 53,600,000 EUR with the following breakdown;

– Frontex contribution – 53,000,000 EUR;

– EFCA contribution – 600,000 EUR;

Lot 3: 30,900,000 EUR with the following breakdown:

– Frontex contribution – 30,000,000 EUR;

– EFCA contribution – 900,000 EUR;

Lot 4: 3,000,000 EUR;

– Frontex contribution – 3,000,000 EUR;

The maximum total duration of the FWC is 4 years.


The new European Border and Coast Guard Regulation3 (hereinafter the ‘Regulation’) sets out that Frontex may acquire, either on its own or as co-owner with a Member State, or lease technical equipment to be deployed during joint operations, pilot projects, rapid border interventions, activities in the area of return, including return operations and return interventions, migration management support team deployments or technical assistance projects in accordance with the financial rules applicable to the Agency. This Regulation extends also the purpose and the geographical areas for potential Frontex surveillance interests4.

Based on EFCA’s founding regulation , EFCA may acquire, rent or charter the equipment that is necessary for the implementation of joint deployment plans and may perform tasks related to the international obligations of the Union and related to control and inspection.

Also, both Frontex and EFCA regulations encompass the European Cooperation on Coast Guard Functions, where one of the cooperation areas is related to capacity sharing, including the sharing of assets and other capabilities.

The global objective of this tender is to enable Frontex and EFCA to have at their disposal aerial surveillance equipment, with a high level of deployability and availability that should permit these agencies to cover their requirements for operational surveillance capability in accordance with their respective mandates.

The scope of this tender, aligned with the Regulation, is to establish a Framework Contract (FWC) with re-opening of competition, in order to acquire Manned Aerial Surveillance Services, which should include assets and experts. Frontex and EFCA seek medium term cooperation with a maximum of 10 Contractors providing Aerial Surveillance in each of the Lots of the FWC, offering the best “value for money” for the performance of Specific Contracts, and able to sustain readiness for cost-efficient surveillance services, termed competitive Specific Contracts, along the duration of the FWC. In accordance with EFCA’s mandate, services for EFCA may also cover international waters and third country waters, including West Africa.

The scenario depicted in Figure 1 shows a typical Maritime Aerial Surveillance Service requested under this FWC. The image depicts an asset sending surveillance data and information to the coordination centre based on the decision and instruction of the Contracting Authoriy. This ‘artist’s impression’ reflects the development of a mission where the asset, based on the instructions of the Contracting Authority, surveys the Area of Interest, included in the Service Deployment Area, searching ‘objects of interest’ mandated by the Frontex and EFCA Regulations and passing surveillance data and information to the Operation Coordination Centre designated by the Contracting Authority. For this transfer, the asset is using a direct link when flying within Line of Sight, changing seamlessly to a Satellite link when, and if, flying Beyond Line of Sight.

Types of assignments

The following Lots are envisaged to be procured under this Framework Contract (FWC):

– Lot 1 Land/Coastline Range surveillance missions category with providing of information:

a) via Remote Mission Portal and sharing of Compiled Operational Picture (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

b) with live streaming of raw data (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

– Lot 2 Mid-Range maritime surveillance missions category with providing of information:

a) via Remote Mission Portal and sharing of Compiled Operational Picture (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

b) with live streaming of raw data (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

– Lot 3 Long-Range maritime surveillance missions category with providing of information:

a) via Remote Mission Portal and sharing of Compiled Operational Picture (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

b) with live streaming of raw data (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

– Lot 4 Rotary wing surveillance missions category with providing of information:

a) via Remote Mission Portal and sharing of Compiled Operational Picture (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

b) with live streaming of raw data (see definition in ‘Terms and Definitions’ and provisions in 8.4.3. Services to be delivered by the Tenderers);

Regardless of the lot the tenderer has to be able to provide all the collected information in both ways:

– via compiled operational picture and;

– live streaming of raw data.

The collected information must be delivered near real time via LROS for Lot 4, via LROS and BRLOS for Lot 1 and via BRLOS for Lot 2, Lot 3.

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