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Experts in big data processing & mobile/web application platforms? EU agency EEA announced an interesting tender


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Call: IT Consultancy Services in the Areas of Application Development to Support Thematic Data Products to the European Environment Agency and the European Commission (DG ENV)

Contracting Authorities: European Environment Agency, Copenhagen – European Commission, Brussels

Framework contract for 4 years / budget €7.500.000

Deadline: March 11

Short description: The EEA, as leading contracting authority for the purpose of this inter-institutional call for tenders, seeks to establish a framework service contract with an experienced service provider who will assist it and the European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) as participating contracting authority, by providing IT consultancy services in the areas of application development to support thematic data products.

The EEA is responsible for developing, implementing and operating approximately one hundred spatial and tabular data flows in which Member States report data to the EEA. When data have been successfully delivered to the EEA, the data are processed in various steps and eventually disseminated for further use. Services required by DG ENV will be performed in close cooperation with EEA. EEA and DG ENV co-own the referred systems, though EEA is responsible for infrastructure and day-to-day operation. The dataflows and services implemented in EEA are highly automated, though continuous maintenance and support are required to ensure a smooth operation. Several software packages are used on premises. EEA operates around 100 dataflows on which member states are required to report environmental data and information. Dataflows are closely operated in cooperation with the EEA thematic experts and covers air, water, emission, climate, biodiversity etc. This inter-institutional call for tenders covers consultancy services to develop products which support the delivery of dataflows using webforms, or in the development of products and applications based on those dataflows. Expert support is needed to develop robust and automated IT solutions which can deliver maintainable products in a consistent manner on the EEA infrastructure.

Main services and tasks/deliverables

This list of tasks covers the main areas of service required but is not exhaustive. The tasks and deliverables will be specified in more detail in each specific contract.

 Maintain and continuous development of existing thematic data products, including bug-fixing

 Operational support

 Develop web-based Intranet data product applications

 Develop data warehouse and visualisation tools

 Develop database reporting and integration

 Develop and design well performing systems for data processing

 Develop mobile apps (Android and iOS)

Mandatory requirements and expertise required

As both tabular and spatial data are managed, it is expected that the consultants who will be working with the EEA will have an intensive knowledge in GIS and experience working with spatial and tabular data and analysis. Furthermore, they shall be familiar with the principle of Agile methodology upon which all IT projects in the EEA are based. In this respect, the EEA uses to manage projects and tasks.

This list of tasks covers the main areas of service required but is not exhaustive. The tasks and deliverables will be specified in more detail in each specific contract:

 Data acquisition platform or otherwise known as ‘Reportnet’ in EEA:

o Data storage and quality assurance using XML and Json technologies and language frameworks such XQuery and Javascript

o Data access using SPARQL query language (

o Webform design using the Angular application design framework

o Webform design using .NET Core MVC, HTML, CSS

o Windows SQL Server

o ETL tools such as FME from (version 2020.x)

 Mobile or web applications:

o Mobile development using generic development platforms for Apple and Android

o Geospatial application integration in web sites and mobile applications using ESRI Arcgis compatible frameworks

o Windows .NET development platform on Windows 10 or higher and Microsoft Azure

 Big data processing platform:

o Windows SQL Server on premise and Microsoft Azure such SQL Datawarehouse

o Experience in using big data development languages such as Python, R, Java and Scala

o ETL tools such FME from (version 2020.x)

Basic requirements:

ECO/FIN: The tenderer must have for each of the past two financial years for which accounts have been closed, an average annual turnover of at least EUR 1 600 000

PERSONEL: Managerial staff: minimum 1 CV

Staff designated to carry out the work:

 Minimum 2 CVs of certified project managers, each having a minimum of 5 years’ relevant professional experience;

 Minimum 2 CVs of certified solution architects, each having a minimum of 5 years’ relevant professional experience;

 Minimum 8 CVs of consultants who will be responsible for providing the services (each having minimum 5 years’ professional experience as software developers or data architects);

 Minimum 3 CVs of consultants who will be responsible for providing the services (each having minimum 5 years’ professional experience with Azure technology);

 At least 2 CVs of consultants, each with at least 5 years of experience relevant supporting specialists (technical writers, test managers or others as applicable) who will not be working full time on the contract.

TECHNICAL: A list of at least five contracts awarded to the tenderer relevant to the services required by the contracting authorities under the following two categories: (1) contracts currently undertaken; and (2) contracts that have been undertaken over the last three years, indicating for both categories the value, brief description of the services undertaken and recipients of the services (public or private). To be considered relevant, the contracts must collectively demonstrate that the tenderer has prior experience with:

a. Data acquisition platform

b. Mobile or web application platform

c. Big data processing platform.

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