Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Evropský účetní dvůr hledá firmu na správu své IT infrastruktury


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Zakázka: Služby týkající se správy IT infrastruktur a jejich rozvoje

Zadavatel: Evropský účetní dvůr, Luxembourg

Kontrakt na 48 měsíců

Details: The services covered by this Contract are divided into direct and additional tasks: Direct tasks are the following:

• A) Operations of the IT Infrastructures inside the Normal Contractor Service hours remunerated on the basis of “Annual fixed-price”; Execution of direct tasks shall start upon signature of the Contract on 1st April 2020. 

Additional tasks are the following:

• B) Operations of the IT Infrastructures in addition to those services mentioned under A) for any required special needs, remunerated on the basis of “ Time and means”; and

• C) IT Infrastructures evolution projects remunerated on the “Fixed-price” basis.

The Court will order additional tasks only if a need arises, by issuing a specific contract (no obligation on the part of the Court as regards the purchase of the tasks). Only once a specific contract is concluded its implementation is binding for the Court.

The technical specifications detailing the scope of the Contract and the conditions for its implementation are provided in part B of these tender specifications.

The tender procedure will lead to the conclusion of a Contract for a period of 4 years.

Požadavky: reference obdobného rozsahu a charakteru + a minimum yearly turnover of EUR 2.5 million in the last three financial years in the area covered by the contract

Deadline: 31/10

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