Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Eurobureaucrats to get a medal for loyalty. €38/piece

It’s really amazing how – even in times of crisis!!! – some employers think of the welfare of their employees:)  The list of contracts awarded by the EC shows us that the Commission wishes to reward  all of its employees who worked 20 years in “The Service” by gold-plated bronze medal with couple of hearth-warming words of thanks on both sides! Each medal will be putted in the charming leather-imitation box. Price per medal is about 38 euro only (regarding the fact there are estimates 2800 of eurobeaurocrats are going to be rewarded and the total value of the contract is  € 106,000)!  But psssssssst, don´t spoil them the surprise!
(btw: the French company SAS Arthus-Bertrand got the contract).

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