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Drupal. Drupal. Drupal. Three times Drupal for Geneve, Munich and Vienna

I. Support and Maintenance of the WHO CMS: HSPL (Drupal)

World Health Organization, Geneve

Closing Date: 30 May 2022

Work to be performer: The work to be perform is (A) maintenance and evolution of the site Health Security Learning Platform (Drupal) and (B) administration of the site and content Key requirements.

Key requirements

The work to be perform is (A) maintenance and evolution of the site Health Security Learning Platform (Drupal) and (B) administration of the site and content Key requirements

A.           Release of Drupal critical security update ASAP (< 1 week)

B.           Bimonthly release of Drupal update

C.           Support for content management  (maximum 1000 man-hours); Adding and updating training package;

D.           Support to align HSLP with WHO Cybersecurity requirements (see annex)

E.           Support and maintenance will be upon request

F.            Release of a search engine for the site. The search engine should display information according to user permissions

G.           Design and development of a new section to give access to dashboards (using data from various sources) and forms to specific target audience who could make decision on workforce development at national level. More details will be provided in Q3 – 2022.

H.           Revamp of the “Health Security Learning Platform” to provide a modern and adaptative user interface to ease the accessibility on personal computers (desktops, laptops), tablets and Smartphones. The CMS should provide the site homepage, the training packages, the national dashboard, the online course catalogue (currently on Moodle), and the user profile (currently split on the 2 components: Drupal and Moodle); (up to 3 mock-ups may be requested for each section).

I.             Additional support (maximum 1000 man-hours) to perform work on demand such as:

•             Identify solution for any incident encountered on the site,

•             Integrate new feature upon request (ex: forum)

•             Ensure interopability between the different HSLP components (Moodle and Drupal)

•             Customize the layout of pages

•             Provide ontime recommendations (Drupal, web practice, legal consideration related to the web platform)

Note: The support hours could be used to support other in-house Drupal application

J.            Monthly status reports including consuming hours

K.           Strong project management is required for the implementation of the above deliverables

L.            Any new release must comply with WHO Cybersecurity Recommendations –  see Appendix 1 Cybersecurity RFP Recommendations. Please check the box next to each recommendation to indicate your compliance. Please, provide reasonable evidence in support to your statement of compliance (i.e. certificates, product documentation, audit reports)

Place of performance: Remotely

The contract that will follow the Long Term Agreement is expect to start in June 2022 and end in December 2023.

Previous experience

Mandatory: Proven experience in the field of support, customization and integration of Drupal-based components.

Desirable: Previous work with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the field of  content management system .

Staffing: The selected contractor is expected to dedicate the following human resources to the project:

•             A project manager of an adequate level of qualification and experience (please attach resume to your proposal) shall be dedicated to the project.

•             The designated project manager that should be the same all along implementation, including consideration in contingency plans in case the focal point is absent.

•             Sufficient capacity and knowledge is required to cover the following areas of expertise:

o            Adequate technical knowledge to Drupal 9

o            Adequate technical knowledge to PHP

o            Adequate technical knowledge to MYSQL

o            Adequate technical knowledge to APACHE web hosting

•             WHO pays utmost attention to the level of qualification and experience of the individuals involved, and to continuity in the services. The profiles (no individual names required) of the personnel proposed for these services should be included in the technical proposal.

•             All staff with full professional working proficiency/native or bilingual proficiency in English.

II. Provision of Drupal Web Content Management Services for the IAEA

International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna

Closing Date: 17 May 2022


a) This Statement of Work (SOW) describes the requirements for the provision of a platform for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA or the Agency) to develop, test, publish, maintain, operate and administer its public website, using Drupal open-source content management system (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”).

b) Drupal 7 platform has been the IAEA’s standard Web Content Management System since 2014 and currently accommodates over 67,000 Pages (Nodes) in six (6) official languages, and more than 96,000 images and documents.

c) Drupal 9 platform is currently experimental and is used alongside Drupal 7 as an image bank; the Drupal 7 site will gradually be migrated to Drupal 9. When the migration process is completed, the Drupal 7 platform will be completely decommissioned. Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 platforms will hereinafter collectively be referred to as the “Platforms”.

d) The content management user-base is comprised of approximately 100 staff members. Most of them are content providers and only a few (mostly developers) have higher (including administrative) application rights. The backend system administration is centralized.

e) In the interest of the Agency and as a vital component of its daily operations, the IAEA intends to keep Drupal as a service in the cloud, maintaining cost-effectiveness and ease of operation and maintenance.

f) This project has high visibility within the IAEA and for its Member States and is intended to deliver a high-class publishing platform and communication channel towards stakeholders and a general audience.

Contractor’s Experience and Personnel

a) The Contractor shall have at least five (5) years Specific Experience in the provision of Drupal Web Content Management Services, specifically Drupal 7 and 9 Platforms.

b) The Contractor shall dedicate a qualified and experienced team to carry out services and be responsible for all of the IAEA’s operational and technical requirements. Names and roles of the assigned key personnel shall be provided to the IAEA. No changes shall be made in the key personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor, it becomes necessary to replace any of the key personnel, the Contractor shall provide as a replacement a person of equivalent or better qualifications.

c) The contractor shall assign at minimum the following key personnel:

(i) System Administrator with at least five (5) years of proven relevant experience in system administration and management identified in this Statement of Work.

(ii) Senior IT Technician as part of the team.

d) The Contractor may include other relevant skills to the team of assigned personnel, including:

(iii) Drupal Back-End Developer with at least five (5) years of proven relevant experience. The Expert should help with troubleshooting Drupal related issues and bugs in the provided environment, and be able to provide proposals for specific requirements, e.g., coming up with optimal settings for Drupal caching, SolR server etc.

Drupal support services for the EIT Health Connections Platform

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (an agency of the European Commission), Munich

Closing Date: 30 May 2022

Key objectives:

– A cohesive and recognisable visual identify for the Connections platform

– A defined platform value proposition with clear use cases for the Partner community

– An improved user experience and user journey

– Greater customisation and personalisation opportunities (at admin and user level)

– Advanced platform capabilities including improved communication tools and analytics

– Integration and greater interoperability with EIT Health Platforms and data systems.

Background. Connections is an online platform which aims to facilitate innovation and collaboration across the EIT Health ecosystem. It is an interactive area for EIT Health partners to access vital parts of their membership, enabling them to: discuss future projects, exchange learnings and insights, and be a part of the vibrant EIT Health network. It is also a space to find vital partnership and Business Plan process information (legal, administrative, financial) and other useful guidance content. Additionally, Connections provides regular updates and information regarding activities, news, and events that are deemed of interest to the Partner community.

EIT Health Partners The partners of EIT Health comprise approximately 150 leading organisations from business, education, research, and health service delivery. Representatives of these partner organisation constitute over 80% of the users of the Connections platform. These representatives are external to the EIT Health organisation, and so are not regulated by standard EIT Health systems, and IT processes.

In 2020, following a review of our key operational platforms and business processes, EIT Health embarked on the development of Connections 2.0, a relaunch and redesign of the previous community platform. The objective was to design and launch a platform which is easy to use, offers partners a straightforward way to access information, effectively promotes connections, interactions & collaborations between our network of partner organisations, and fosters a sense of community.

The solution, launched in Q4 2021, is a bespoke Acquia based Community Platform that meets the essential needs of our community, and which provides a strong foundation on which to build.

This Platform is hosted and maintained via an ongoing contract with Acquia, who ensure that the platform remains fully operational 24/7, 365 days a year. The platform is hosted via Acquia Cloud Plus and Acquia Site Studio. The contract with Acquia will continue to run in parallel to this new contact with the selected Economic Operator.

As of 2022, the core features of this platform include:

– A member database with the capability to search & view employee, partner, and other community members’ profiles,

– Events and News pages to list and share upcoming activities

– A Marketplace to share project ideas & proposals, make offers, and highlight needs

– A public discussion forum

– Working groups (public and closed)

– Dedicated sections with access to information on calls for Business plan Proposals, branding toolkits & guidance documents

– A community live feed

EIT Health would like to continue to strengthen this platform through the further development of features and content which encourage platform usage, facilitate matchmaking and networking opportunities, and increase the uptake of the platform through an improved user experience. These features and content streams should add value to partners and help them get the most out of their membership. Therefore, to support the ongoing maintenance and development of the Connections platform, EIT Health seeks to award a framework contract for the delivery of services. The exact specification of the services will be set out in detailed Statements of Work (SOWto be issued by EIT Health on the basis of the framework contract.

The total value of services expected to be procured over the two-year period of the contract will not exceed EUR 160.000. Invoices are to be submitted by the economic operator following the completion of each Statement of Work.

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