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Drupal, Drupal, Drupal… EU instituce z Bruselu hledá experta na webové projekty a migraci Drupalu ze “sedmičky” na “osmičku”

Tendr: Služby v oblasti digitální komunikace

Zadavatel: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Brusel

Budget €900.000 / kontrakt na 4 roky

Deadline 14/5

Stručný popis: Obecné webové projekty; poradenství; informační setkání, prezentace, školení; řízení vícejazyčnosti; architektura webových informací; technický vývoj webových stránek a souvisejících systémů; grafický návrh, návrh uživatelského prostředí, přístupnost a použitelnost; hodnocení, reference, umístění, ankety, průzkumy; řízení předplatného internetových produktů; související administrativní služby.

Detaily – požadované služby:

* The web project and assistance tasks may include requests for the analysis of tools and systems in use or for future use at the EESC. They may also include a request to draw up a web project, a request for an opinion on an existing project or recommendations on tools and systems to be chosen for future use, as well as projects on web information architecture.

* Assistance, including providing technical analyses, reports, recommendations, development, design, installation, configuration, technical administration, feasibility and impact studies

* Information sessions, presentations, training sessions and preparations therefor; preparation of all kinds of documentation and user guides. The contractor may be called upon to give presentations, and organise information sessions and training linked to the new tools/services for webmasters, web editors and IT technicians.

* Managing the multilingualism of websites and applications. Navigation is possible in 24 languages, while the content of the main EESC website is available at least in English and French.

* Development of a web information architecture.

* Technical development within the web content management systems used by the EESC, development of web pages and sites, subsites, web features, responsive design, web and mobile platforms and applications, databases, interfaces and accesses, search engines, site plans, interactive and social tools; deployment, optimisation, improvement and correction of web features, testing, monitoring, debugging, upgrading; application and improvement of accessibility standards (in cooperation with a specialised company), web usability, development of features for multilingualism; integration and migration of data and content; interoperability between the different platforms in use and future platforms, both internal and external; maintenance, assistance and support (including stand-by), development of any new state-of-the-art communication/social media tool or technology which could become available on the market during the duration of the framework contract, taking-over of the Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 migration project (and subsequent migration projects) at the stage where it is when the first specific contract comes into force and completion of the project.

* Graphic design of websites and electronic products, accessibility and usability, data visualisation, mock-up creation, print-friendly versions of content; deployment and testing.

* Evaluation, referencing, positioning, user surveys and polls; production and analysis of statistics concerning the use of the various EESC sites and portals and making recommendations.

* Administrative services linked to the web projects ordered and web contributions: placing web articles, implementing and uploading translations provided by the EESC, implementing accessibility corrections to web content, monitoring websites for the EESC, sending out emails and letters, etc.; management of subscriptions and supplying services for the EESC (comprising the purchase of subscriptions for the EESC, installation and maintenance), linked to services designed for web and mobile services and applications, conducting online and promotion campaigns.

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