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Digitální komunikace pro Evropskou komisi: obří tendr zahájen

TENDR: Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Digital Communication Services and Social Media

Tendr vyhlašuje Evropská komise, resp. její DG COMM (Generální ředitelství pro komunikaci) jménem asi dvaceti dalších EU subjektů (agentur).

Deadline 15/9

“The subject of this call for tenders is a Mixed Multiple framework contract on Digital Communication Services and Social Media. The successful tenderer(s), in close coordination with the Contracting Authority, will perform all services needed to design, set up, create, improve and maintain the Contracting Authorities web presence and other digital communication channels”.

Tendr je rozdělen na dvě na sobě zcela nezávislé části (loty). Systém rozdělování práce v rámci rámcového kontraktu se liší. Lot 1 je klasická “kaskáda”, tj. uzavřou rámcový kontrakt s několika uchazeči a jednotlivé Specific Contracts se přidělují podle pořadí v hlavním tendru (první je osloven první, pouze když odmítne tak druhý etc etc). U lotu 2 je to u Specific Contracts pod €100.000 také kaskáda, o SCs nad €100.000 se bude ještě znovu soutěžit (technická + finanční nabídka):

Lot 1 – Time and means and proximity time and means services related to digital communication and social media. A multiple framework contract in cascade (without reopening of competition). Maximum total value of Lot 1: EUR 90,000,000

Lot 2 – Quoted time and means and fixed price services related to digital communication and social media projects. A multiple framework contract in cascade (without reopening of competition) for projects below EUR 100,000 and with reopening of competition for projects above EUR 100,000. Maximum total value of Lot 2: EUR 60,000,000

Background: Mixed multiple framework contracts are implemented through specific contracts awarded either on the basis of objective conditions determined in the procurement documents or through reopening of competition.

– For Lot 1 (and Lot 2 below the threshold of EUR 100,000): a multiple framework contract using a cascade mechanism: following an evaluation of the admissible tenders, they will be ranked in descending order to establish a list of contractors and a sequence in which they will be offered specific contracts during the implementation of the framework contract.

– For Lot 2, above a threshold of EUR 100,000: a multiple framework contract with reopening of competition, implemented through specific contracts for which all contractors are invited to compete on the basis of the same or, if necessary, more precisely formulated terms laid down in these Tender specifications. A specific contract shall be awarded to the contractor who has submitted the most advantageous specific tender on the basis of the award criteria set out in section 18 of the Annex I to the invitation to tender “Technical Specifications”.


The Contractor, in close coordination with the European Commission and other contracting authorities, will perform all services needed to design, set up, create, improve and maintain the contracting authorities’s web presence and other digital communication channels.

This contract is managed by the European Commission but also accessible to other EU institutions and bodies. The majority of requests (estimated at 85%) will be initiated by the European Commission, with the remaining requests coming from other EU institutions and bodies.

The estimated geographical distribution of the work is provided in Annex IV, ‘Background Information’. Any specific references to the European Commission or DG Communication of the European Commission (DG COMM) are relevant for the European Commission as the main contracting authority. However, each EU institution and body may have slightly different requirements and guidelines for digital communication that must be observed.

DG COMM, as domain leader for external communication, is in charge of governing the Europa domain, with the goal of making the Commission web presence more relevant, coherent and cost-effective. The Contractor will provide the services in accordance with the rules set out in the Europa Web Guide to ensure the main communication goals of the Institution are achieved.

The Contractor will carry out work on the different websites of the Commission or other contracting authorities (and on particular sections of those). These websites and sections could differ in their nature and complexity. For example, some could be simple sites, e.g. with a homepage giving access to several other documents or sites, and others may be more complex, involving various components and features, such as pages in several languages, interactive services and/or sophisticated graphical components. Additionally, some tasks may relate to the management of the Commission or other contracting authorities’ intranets.

The Contractor will also be asked to work on other digital channels (e.g. social media platforms) by creating content for them, maintaining the different corporate accounts, preparing visual material for social media or conducting social media-related projects. The Contractor will provide support in the management, improvement, development and maintenance of a number of web tools for which the contracting authorities are responsible.

Some examples of such web tools are Europa Search (an internal search engine), notification systems, Europa Analytics (a web analytics tool), the Europa Web publishing platform (corporate web content management system), Europa Web tools (software solutions that facilitate and speed up the development of websites for digital communication by providing data protection compliance, social media integration, data visualisation solutions, etc.) and other interactive services, etc.

The Contractor will also provide editorial support for publishing content online, e.g. by creating and modifying content, uploading it to the different content management systems, managing its translation.

Složení týmu – Overview of the profiles:

1 Portfolio manager 2 Web communication consultant 3 Online-writer 4 User interface (UI) and visual web designer 5 Digital technical expert 6 Webmaster 7 Information architecture and content expert 8 Usability and accessibility expert 9 Social media expert 10 User assistant 11 Digital business analyst

Financial and economic capacity

– Aggregated turnover of the last three financial years above EUR 45 million; this criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. the combined capacity of all members of a group in case of a joint tender.

 Professional experience in similar services:

The tenderer must prove its experience in the field of digital communication, having worked on at least 3 similar contracts carried out after August 2017.

The object of these contracts should include web and social media activities. This previous experience must cover the following minimum requirements:

 Provision of digital communication experts for services linked to web and social media activities in Time and Means of at least 60 full-time equivalents in locations mounting to at least 85% of the estimated geographical distribution of the contract (see Annex IV, ‘Background Information’);

If services of a particular contract reference were partially performed by subcontractors, the tenderer shall indicate the nature and percentage of the services subcontracted.

At least one of the contracts must have been provided on the basis of a Service Level Agreement or equivalent.

At least one of the contracts must have been delivered in at least two official EU languages.

For contract references to be considered relevant, they should have started after August 2017 and may still be ongoing.

Place of work: Depending on the Request, work may be carried out on the premises of the Ordering Service (‘on-site’ or ‘intra-muros’ work for time and means orders), with remote provision of services envisaged only in exceptional and duly justified circumstances and with the explicit permission of the contracting authority, or it may be carried out on the Contractor’s premises (‘off-site’ or ‘extra-muros’ work for proximity time and means orders). The Ordering Service will indicate on the Request Form where the work must be delivered.

In the case of intra-muros work (time and means orders), the execution of the Contract must generally take place on the Ordering Service’s premises as required in Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), the European Commission Representations in the Member States and other premises of European institutions and bodies located in the EU (for an estimated geographical distribution of the services see Annex IV, ‘Background Information’).

The contracting authorities reserve the right to allow systematic teleworking for intra-muros in accordance with the relevant internal policies.

As mentioned, the infrastructure will be provided by the Ordering Service, however office space cannot be guaranteed. No other infrastructure than that provided by the Ordering Service shall be used to deliver the requested services on time and means orders. In particular, the service providers providing the services will only use the standard software packages in use at the Ordering Service. The Contractor may not install or use any other software without the written authorisation of the Ordering Service.

In the case of extra-muros work (proximity time and means orders), the execution of the contract will take place primarily at the Contractor’s usual workplace, using the Contractor’s infrastructure. The Contractor’s executing staff must be located at a close distance from the place of delivery (maximum 20 kilometres from the premises of the Ordering Service


The Contractor will provide support for three main types of projects, or any possible combination of them:

– Inception projects: Projects related to identifying needs or user research, with the main goal of clarifying relevant business needs, identifying potential new digital communication channels and solutions, proposing potential technical solutions, identifying risks, defining implementation plans, estimating costs and impact, proposing KPIs and monitoring schemes, etc

– Implementation projects: Projects related to building or revamping new or existing websites including all technical and content related aspects, implementing social media related projects, developing or maintaining new or existing web tools, support projects for existing websites, etc …

– Monitoring projects: Projects related to monitoring the compliance of websites and other digital communication channels with standards (i.e. WAI accessibility standards, W3C web standards…) and EU law (i.e. the European General Data Protection Regulation1 or the Accessibility Directive2 ), improving the findability of websites (i.e. Search Engine Optimization related projects, etc)

Požadované složení týmu – overview of the profiles: 1 Project manager2 Digital strategy expert3 Web developer4 Digital content expert5 Data protection expert6 Search Engine Optimization expert7 Accessibility expert8 Data analysis expert

Place of work: The work covered by the contract will primarily be carried out at the Contractor’s usual workplace, using the Contractor’s infrastructure. The Contractor shall provide all deliverables in the form and format specified in the order and shall guarantee their integration into the target informatics environment.

Financial and economic capacity

– Aggregated turnover of the last three financial years above EUR 30 million; this criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. the combined capacity of all members of a group in the case of a joint tender.

Technical and professional capacity – Professional experience in similar services:

The tenderer must offer proof of experience in the field of digital communication and social media projects, and have worked on at least 10 similar contracts since August 2017.

The object of these contracts should include web and social media activities. These previous experiences must cover the following minimum requirements:

 Provision of services linked to the identification, definition, planning, execution and monitoring of projects related to digital communication and social media activities with a minimum value for each project of EUR 150,000;

If services for a particular contract reference were partially performed by subcontractors, the tenderer shall indicate the nature and percentage of the services subcontracted.

At least 3 of the contracts must have been carried out on the basis of a Service Level Agreement or equivalent.

At least 3 of the contracts must have been delivered in at least two official EU languages.

For contract references to be considered relevant, they should have started after August 2017 and can still be ongoing.

As evidence, the tenderer must provide a list of min. 10, max. 15 relevant contracts references

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