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DG ENV Intended procurement in 2013 (communication incl.)

ENV B.1 — Agriculture, forests & soil
* Study supporting potential land targets under the 2014 land communication; March 2013; 250 000; study.

ENV B.2 — Biodiversity
* Implementation of target 5 — ‘Invasive species’ and delivery on related initiatives; May 2013; 100 000, study.
* Preparation of the mid-term review of the EU biodiversity strategy; March 2013; 300 000 (3 years x 100 000); service.
* Implementation of target 2 (Maintain and restore ecosystems and their services) and development of related initiatives in particular follow-up to Green Infrastructure Green Paper, prioritisation framework for restoration and ‘No net loss’ initiative; May 2013; 150 000; service.
* Business and biodiversity platform; March 2013; 300 000 (3 years x 100 000); service.
* Preparatory action — BEST scheme — year 3; April 2013; 2 000 000; service.

ENV B.3 — Nature
* Dynamics of Great Cormorant populations in Europe; March 2013; 130 000; study.
* Support to the European Commission’s policy on large carnivores under the Habitats Directive; March 2013; 200 000; service.
* Technical and scientific support in relation to the implementation of the 92/43/EEC ‘Habitats’ and 2009/147/EC ‘Birds’ Directives; March 2013; 1 800 000 (600 000 x 3); service.
* Restoration needs for habitats and species of EU conservation concern; March 2013; 300 000, study.
* Establishment of a European Red List of habitats; March 2013; 500 000; service.
* Natura 2000 award scheme; March 2013; 1 500 000 (500 000 x 3); service.
* Support to the new biogeographical seminar process and maintenance of the communication platform; March 2013; 450 000 (150 000 x 3); service.

ENV C.1 — Sustainable production & consumption
* Operation of an EMAS helpdesk; March 2013; 600 000 (150 000 x 3 renewals); service.
* Operation of an Ecolabel helpdesk; March 2013; 600 000 (150 000 x 3 renewals); service.
* Technical helpdesk for companies applying PEF/OEF; April 2013; 750 000 (250 000 x 2 renewals); service.
* Development of support tools for SMEs; April 2013; 200 000; service.
* Preparatory study for setting targets for reduction of overall environmental impact of consumption; May 2013; 150 000; service.

ENV C.2 — Waste management
* WEEE collection targets — common methodology, deadlines, and differentiation by categories; March 2013; 250 000; study.

ENV C.3 — Industrial emissions, air quality & noise
* Development of sampling, analysis and inspection guidelines to ensure harmonised and comprehensive reporting on the sulphur content of liquid fuels falling under the scope of Directive 1999/32/EC; February 2013; 100 000; service.
* Technical and analytical support to assess the environmental impacts of the transport sector, notably in urban areas; February 2013; 150 000; service.
* Development of test cases for the common noise assessment methods; May 2013; 100 000; service.
* Framework contract for services supporting the evaluation, implementation and further development of air quality and noise policies; April 2013; 4 000 000; framework.

ENV D.1 — Protection of water resources
* Technical support for the impact assessment of the review of priority substances under Directive 2000/60/EC; March 2013; 300 000; service.
* Support to the European innovation partnership on water; October 2013; 1 000 000; service.

ENV D.2 — Marine environment & water industry
* Service contract — support to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; May 2013; 1 500 000 (500 000 renewable twice); service.
* Service contract — integrated coastal zone management (ICZM); May 2013; 600 000 (200 000 renewable twice); service.

ENV D.3 — Chemicals, biocides and nanomaterials
* Technical assistance on practical techniques determining particle distribution in nanomaterials; May 2013; 250 000; service.

ENV E.2 — Multilateral environmental agreements, processes and trade issues:
* Monitoring of the implementation and enforcement of the EC Wildlife Trade Regulation; February 2013; 350 000; service.
* Support to the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation, including the assessment of applications from monitoring organisations; March 2013; 600 000 (300 000 renewable once); service.

ENV F.1 — Chief economist, impact assessment & evaluation
* Environmental impacts and resources trade-offs of the use of biomass for renewable energy; May 2013; 250 000; study.

ENV F.3 — Communication
* European Mobility Week and European Green Capital Award Secretariat; March 2013; 1 880 000 (470 000 renewable 3 times); service.
* European Business Awards for Environment Secretariat; March 2013; 500 000 (250 000 renewable once); service.
* Green Spider Network Secretariat; February 2013; 180 000 (4 x 45 000); service.

ENV F.4 — Chief scientist, research and innovation
* Communicate new scientific information of relevance to DG ENV policies to interested scientists, policymakers and the public at large; April 2013; 930 000 (310 000 renewable twice); service.

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