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DG CLIMA: Prior information notice for Calls in 2013

DG CLIMA A.2 — Climate finance and deforestation
* Guidance to the implementation of the EU’s new LULUCF accounting system and development of post-2013 legislation; March/April; 290 000; SER.
* Climate benefits of material substitution by forest biomass and harvested wood products: perspective 2030; March; 440 000; ETU.
* Mainstreaming of climate change in agriculture; March/April; 220 000; SER.
International climate finance — governance, instruments and means of implementation; March/April; 3 200 000 (800 000 EUR x 4); FRA.

DG CLIMA A.3 — Monitoring, reporting, verification
* 4th ETS MRAV compliance review project; May; 200 000; SER.
* Continuation of the project development of GHG projections guidelines; May; 300 000; SER.

DG CLIMA A.4 — Strategy and economic assessment
* Modelling of EU climate policies; May; 750 000; SER.
* Assessing employment impacts of climate policies; March; 250 000; SER.

DG CLIMA B.1 — ETS implementation
* Security enhancement measures for the EUCR — VPN; May; 250 000; SER.

DG CLIMA B.2 — Benchmarking
* Assessment of new entrants, cessations and closure notifications; February; max. 800 000 EUR over 4 years; FRA.
* Support of the innovation and deployment of new technologies for the energy intensive industry sectors; May; 250 000; SER.
* Assessment of the implementation of the rules on closures and partial cessations in Member States; April; 200 000; ETU.
* Study to evaluate how the ETS and the carbon price has encouraged climate-related actions in installations covered by the ETS; February; 200 000; ETU.

DG CLIMA B.3 — International carbon market, aviation and maritime
* Study on the analysis of developments in maritime transport GHG emissions and on impacts of possible reduction targets; April; 250 000; SER.

DG CLIMA C.1 — Low carbon technologies
* Development of IT tools and functionalities for annual inventory reviews under the Effort Sharing Decision; May; 150 000; SER.
* Support climate policy cooperation with the EU’s eastern partners (Russia, eastern partnership countries, central Asian countries); March; 350 000; SER.

DG CLIMA C.2 — Transport and ozone
* Further development of the software tool ‘VECTO’ (vehicle energy calculation tool) to measure heavy-duty vehicles’ CO2 emissions; May; 400 000; SER.
* Framework contract for services in the field of further development and validation of a methodology for monitoring and certification of greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles through vehicle simulation and analysis, assessment and policy development in relation to climate-forcing impacts of heavy-duty road vehicles framework contract HDV; February; 10 000 000 EUR over 4 years; FRA.
Impact assessment work for post-2020 car and van targets; May; 450 000; SER.

DG CLIMA C.3 — Adaptation
* Quantitative assessment of impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations in the EU and of adaptation measures on job creation and job security; March; 200 000; SER.
* Climate change adaptation in Europe. Necessary groundwork for modelling cost assessment in macroeconomic models; March; 200 000; SER.
* Climate-Adapt science/policy forum: workshops for the dissemination of adaptation-related knowledge to policymakers; March; 300 000; SER.
* Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation at the local level: cooperation with the Covenant of Mayor (CoM); March; 700 000; SER.

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