Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Desítky institucí a agentur EU nakoupí cloudové služby za více než 400 milionů eur


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Tendr: Cloudové služby pro Evropskou komisi a další instituce a agentury EU: Dynamic Purchasing System

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Informatics (DG DIGIT) jménem dalších 64 institucí a agentur Evropské unie

Doba trvání: 4 roky

Forma: plně elektronický Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) formou “mini-competitions”

The estimated combined value of the direct contracts in this DPS is approximately 417.723.287 €.

The scope of the contracts in this DPS are Cloud Services in the fields of:

 Analytics and Big Data 

 Artificial Intelligence

 Mobile and IoT devices

 Media services

 Emerging technologies

 Managed Middleware Services

 Integration Services

 Infrastructure Business services

 Platform Management support

 Development Life-cycle support

 Hybrid and Portability Support

 Compute  Network  Storage

 Datacentre services

 Platform Orchestration and Automation

 Monitoring and Management

 Identity and Access Management

 Security and Data Protection

 Cyber Defence

 Marketplace

 Billing and Cost Management

 Service Level Agreements

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