Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Datacentra a jejich vybavení, pro Evropskou komisi. Za €622 milionů

Zakázka: Řešení infrastruktury datového střediska (DIS)

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-Directorate General for Informatics

Bude uzavřena čtyřletá rámcová smlouva s maximálně 5ti účastníky tendru

Předpokládaná celková hodnota bez DPH: €622.000.000

Deadline 4/6

The main purpose of this call for tenders is the conclusion of new framework contracts for the acquisition of datacentre infrastructure solutions (both storage and compute) and related service.

The objective of this call for tenders is to establish Framework Contracts for the acquisition of the following datacentre infrastructure solutions and related services:

 purchase and leasing of storage solutions (hardware and associated software) from a variety of manufacturers, with the associated services (manufacturer and extended guarantee, moves, etc.);

 purchase and leasing of general (x86 server systems) and specific purpose compute solutions from a variety of manufacturers, with the associated services (manufacturer and extended guarantee, moves, etc.);

 purchase of professional services needed throughout the various phases of the lifetime of datacentre equipment.

Duration of the resulting contracts – the maximum possible duration of the resulting Framework Contracts will be:

 For acquisitions of Datacentre solutions, associated equipment and professional services: seven (7) years from the date of signature;

 For leasing of Datacentre solutions and associated equipment: to be started within seven (7) years from the date of signature, with a duration of maximum five (5) years after expiry for acquisition;

 For extended guarantee, upgrades and associated services: twelve (12) years from the date of signature.

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