Category: web: analýza, vývoj, správa
Zakázka: Poskytnutí služeb audiovizuální produkce včetně grafiky, animace, mediálních aplikací a distribuce přes více kanálů Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General Communication, Brusel (+ několik dalších EU agentur z různých členských zemí) Rámcový kontrakt na 48 měsíců / orientační budget €80.000.000 Stručný popis: Účelem této meziinstitucionální rámcové smlouvy je poskytnout Evropské komisi a zúčastněným agenturám EU služby audiovizuální…
Call for Design and development of an interactive world map Contracting Authority: World Health Organization, Geneva Closing date: April 16 Purpose of the project: The purpose of this project is to design and develop a technical solution for a modern, flexible and interactive world map which can ideally be updated in house. It will serve…
Jedna z EU agentur vypíše menší tendr (do €60 tisíc) na “user needs assessment, information design and web concept proposals” na podporu své specializované online platformy. Cílem tendru je nalézt dodavatele, který zajistí: design and conduct user needs surveys, assess survey results, identify and cluster different user groups and their specific user…
Call: Provision of Website Development Contracting Authority: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – International Bureau of Education (UNESCO – IBE, Geneva) Deadline 10/4 Description: This RFP seeks to hire a contractor who can: * Establish a visual identity for the IBE brand that can be used on the website initially and across all aspects…
Zakázka: Social Media Simulator for Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercises Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň Jazyk: angličtina Deadline: 27/3 Background: The IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) prepares and conducts exercises to strengthen the Agency’s response arrangements and capabilities, as well as those of Member States, with regard to nuclear and radiological emergencies. One…
Call: Google Cloud Platform Products and Related Services Contracting Authority: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy The Bidder shall provide access to all Google Cloud Platform products listed in the official Google pricelist. Of particular interest to FAO, but not limited to, are the products listed below: Data Transfer Cloud Storage…
Mobile Event Application Services World Health Organization, Geneva Deadline for EOI: 19/3 Description: The World Health Organization (WHO) invites vendors to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for for the provision of Mobile Event Application, which address the following objectives: * The selected bidder shall provide an application that can be installed on standard smartphone…
WHO PQT Website Consolidation and Integration World Health Organization, Geneva Deadline 23/3 Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposals RFP is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable contractor to carry out the following work: extend application of the communications concept and approach used to develop the…
Call: Provision of digital communication services & web development Contracting Authority: UN Secretariat, Geneve Deadline for EOI: 15/3 Contract for a period of 3 years Requirements: The UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Secretariat flagship website ( serves the needs of a wide audience, including the general public, journalists, academia, researchers, Member States…
Mezi finalisty projektu EU InnoLabs v oblasti mHealth se nedostaly žádné české firmy. Přihlásilo se 117 zámeců z 24 zemí. Projekt EU INNOLABS rozdělí padesáti malým evropským firmám z oblasti mHealth €1.5 milionu. Prvních 25 projektů dostane odměnu €30.000 (k volnému použití) + dalších €25.000 na další vývoj „inovativních služeb“. Dalších 25 vybraných získá €10.000.…