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Category: UN

  • Tendr: Supply of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in the Scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb) – Kingdom of Morocco Množství: 15 UNITS Zadavatel: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, Rakousko Délka kontraktu 4 měsíce Deadline 25/4 – 16:00 REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (RPAS) – 15 UNITS TYPE: Vertical take-off…


  • Vision and Communication Plan for UNICEF’s Data and Analytics Section Purpose : In 2017, UNICEF completed a 3-year global brand refresh process which resulted in a revised organization brand toolkit and incorporation of a new strategy built around the tagline: “for every child”. The organization also released its data for children strategic framework and a…

  • Tender: Management Information System Zadavatel: International Criminal Court (ICC) – The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV), Haag EOI deadline 29/3, RFP bude následovat Background:The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) has been managing their programme data and results with paper-based tooling. As it is growing, there is a need to discontinue the current tooling and adopt…


  • * Návrh loga pro agenturu pro atomovou energii z Vídně ( * Pětiletý kontrakt na grafické služby pro agenturu OSN z Vídně ( * UNHCR hledá grafickou agenturu na dlouhodobý kontrakt ( * Layout a grafický design pro WHO. 700 hodin za rok ( * Grafický design pro agenturu UNAIDS, Ženeva (

  • Tendr: Graphic Design services Zadavatel: UN Industrial Development Organization, Vídeň Deadline: 26/2 Kontrakt na 5 let (3+2) Požadavky: 5 let v oboru, obrat min. €150.000 (rok v posledních 3 letech Zakázka se má týkat především každoroční přípravy UNIDO Industrial Development Report

  • Tendr: Provision of Graphic Design services Zadavatel: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Budapešť Deadline 29/3 Dlouhodobý kontrakt na 3 roky Potřeba budou zhruba 2-3 designeři Požadavky: •             High standard, quality graphic design work. The bidder shall provide all services and/or hire/outsource the necessary personnel to perform graphic and layout design services required by UNHCR,…


  • Tendr: Drafting of Graphic Identity and Standard Templates Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), Vídeň Deadline 21/2 Popis: The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive set of templates for the OIOS official documentation and written deliverables, and an OIOS logo appropriately nested into the IAEA overall ‘brand’ graphic…

  • Provision of 700 hours of desktop publishing, layout and design services  over a one year period. The World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva Deadline 21/2 WHO requires up to 700 hours of desktop publishing, layout and design work over a one-year period. The provider will often be expected to use existing templates. However, in some cases…

  • Graphic Design Services (Long Term Agreement na 4 roky) UNAIDS – Agentura OSN pro boj s AIDS, Ženeva Deadline: 27th February 2019, 17:00 Geneva time The provider shall be a public institution, company, individual or NGO operating in the field of graphic design with proven expertise in the creative process of designing print, web and social…

  • Tendr: Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training in Jordan (RFI) Zadavatel: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Deadline pro odpověď: 12/2 In this RFI, UNOPS intends to identify potential suppliers and to gather ideas from industry for the Supply and Installation of Virtual Reality Simulation System for Safety Training.…