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Brussels to develop computerised virtual human twin for experiments

Platform for Advanced Virtual Human Twin Models

Buyer: European Commission, DG CNECT – Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels

Estimated value excluding VAT: €24.000.000

Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure: 08/04

Description: A virtual human twin is a computational model of human patho-physiological processes at different anatomical scales. VHTs hold enormous potential in health and care, namely by delivering on personalised care from targeted prevention to tailored clinical pathways and supporting healthcare professionals in virtual environments (e.g. from medical training to surgical intervention planning) and the virtual worlds. They can make a significant contribution to achieving the goals of the European Health Union. The main objective of this action is to develop a distributed platform making available to users

(1) a federated repository of VHTs related resources,

(2) a combined set of open source software toolkits, and

(3) access to computational services, enabling them to develop, test and integrate VHT models.

The software toolkits to access the platform repository and services will be deployed and hosted by each user organisation or institution. The platform will be used by researchers, developers, engineers, practitioners, innovators in the health and care domain, including for professional training and educational purposes. It will provide controlled and secure access to an environment of simulation and visualisation tools. It will also include openly accessible and proprietary data and model assets for advanced modelling. The platform will be used for developing, testing and integrating existing and new VHT models, based on reference datasets, other research outputs and user resources, and will be fully interoperable with augmented and virtual reality environments. Its use will be based on access to computational services enabled by strategic digital capabilities (e.g. HPC, cloud, edge computing, AI), with links to suitable testing and experimentation facilities (e.g. the healthcare TEF for AI) and other resources becoming available in the context of the European Health Data Space.

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