EUSPA (European Union Agency for the Space Programme), jediná EU agentura se sídlem v Praze, vypíše ještě před koncem tohoto roku čtyři technologicky i komunikačně/marketingově mimořádně zajímavé tendry. Půjde například o dálkově řízené roboty se sensory pro příjem signálu z evropských družic. Nebo o dálkově řízené bezpilotní letouny. Tady je přehled:
1. Call: Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) designed to operate indoor and outdoor with EGNSS receiver
Details: The subject matter of the procurement procedure is the delivery of an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) development platform, based on Robot Operating System ‘’ROS’’, and designed to operate indoor and outdoor with an EGNSS receiver. The AMR shall be capable of carrying loads higher of 50kg and be able to navigate autonomously or be teleoperated by means of a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera that transmits video in real time. The equipment will be ready for use, fully assembled, configured and delivered with appropriate transport boxes.
Estimated timeline for launch of procedure: Q4 2021
Estimated value: Up to 30,000.00 EUR
EOI deadline: 15/11
2. Call: Robot with an EGNSS receiver
Details: Subject-matter: The subject matter of the procurement procedure is the delivery of a robot with an EGNSS receiver. The robot shall work independently, without time-breaks and without requiring the presence of humans for the automated task programmed and have a guidance solution with EGNSS Real-Time Kinematic ‘’RTK positioning’’. The robot shall be ready for use, fully assembled, configured and delivered with appropriate transport boxes.
Estimated timeline for launch of procedure: Q4 2021
Estimated value: Up to 60,000.00 EUR
EOI deadline: 15/11
3. Call: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with an EGNSS receiver
Details: The subject matter of the procurement procedure is the delivery of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) intended to cover great surfaces, long endurance, with the maximum available payload, in a high payload/total mass ratio. The UAV shall be equipped with a long-range telemetry system, three-level redundancy autopilot, electric powered and capable to transport three sensors at once (high resolution Red – Green – Blue ‘’RGB’’ optical sensor, multispectral sensor with 5 bands and high-end thermal sensor). The equipment shall be ready for use, fully assembled, configured and delivered with appropriate transport boxes.
Estimated timeline for launch of procedure: Q4 2021
Estimated value: Up to 30,000.00 EUR
EOI deadline: 15/11
4. Call: Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operation with an EGNSS receiver
Details: The subject matter of the procurement procedure is the delivery of 2 Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) with an EGNSS receiver. This procurement shall include the supply of the RPAS, the operation services, the training (including the certifications) needed for up to five people and the support to obtain all the permissions for the operations of the RPAS in Czech Republic and Spain. The equipment shall be ready for use, fully assembled, configured and delivered with appropriate transport boxes.
Estimated timeline for launch of procedure: Q4 2021
Estimated value: Up to 60,000.00 EUR
EOI deadline: 15/11
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