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Agentura Cedefop oddaluje deadline v tendru na Livelink – OpenText Content Server


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Cedefop (alias European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) prodloužil termín k odevzdání nabídek do tendru na “ICT Services for Livelink – OpenText Content Server 10”. Nový deadline 11/7.

Detaily: The purpose of this open invitation to tender is to conclude a framework contract with a service provider for the provision of services related to Cedefop Livelink platform. Specifically these services concern analysis, consulting, development, maintenance and administration, technical support and project management. Services will be acquired in the form of person-days, categorised in profiles of project manager, senior expert, and developer/ technical support.  In addition, this framework contract includes the provision of CS10 software modules and licenses, and the provision of the annual maintenance fee.

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