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Brusel chce vylepšit svou digitální knihovnu Europeana, má na to 28 milionů euro

Zakázka: Podpora zavedení infrastruktury digitálních služeb (DSI) pro evropskou digitální knihovnu “Europeana

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels

Doba trvání 28 měsíců + možnost prodloužení o dalších 24

Orientační rozpočet €28.000.000

The strategic objectives of the tender are indicated below: * offer a viable variety of options for end users to discover, use and engage with content they like; refine the value propositions of the platform for all target user groups; ensure that the platform functionality and other services meet those purposes; * maintain and further develop a fully operational data and aggregation infrastructure; the infrastructure should be optimised in order to facilitate content provision from content holders; improve data and metadata quality; create, implement and continuously improve efficient ingestion procedures for providers and aggregators; * enable incorporation of new content, seeking to broaden the overview of Europe’s cultural heritage; encourage new content holders to join Europeana and foster their active involvement; * Improve content distribution mechanisms to accelerate discovery and maximise visibility, as well as take-up of the platform by fostering creative re-use in third-party products and services; * improve/widen visibility and content discovery through strong relationships and joint ventures with a broad range of stakeholders (e.g. apps developers) and cultural and creative industries (CCIs) to engage new audiences; * coordinate, sustain and grow the Europeana Network Association with the aim of increasing the number of content providers and organisations reusing the content available through Europeana; * maintain an international, interoperable licensing framework catering to the needs of data partners, users and creative re-use; * implement existing, and – where appropriate – develop new strategies, services and business models to help move towards financial sustainability; * take all necessary measures to host and integrate the results of projects funded under CEF calls for proposals for generic services; * identify methods and key performance indicators to measure and benchmark progress towards the objectives mentioned above and in particular the use of the platform, access to content, improvement of the quality of metadata and content as well as the reuse of the cultural heritage content accessible through Europeana. A cost benefit analysis should also be provided in order to better define future strategies.

Services to be purchased: The Europeana DSI serves mainly five user groups: 1) cultural heritage institutions that provide cultural metadata and content; 2) European citizens who want to explore and enjoy cultural heritage objects out of personal interest; 3) professionals conducting research who use cultural heritage objects in their research; 4) Educational institutions and professionals, who use cultural heritage objects to create educational materials and conduct educational activities; 5) Companies and professionals in the creative industries who use cultural heritage objects or metadata in their own commercialisation, services, tools, and apps.

The main elements of the DSI are: * A metadata repository. * The main portal, The web-based user interface offers the general public and professionals a single access point for finding, querying, visualising, and, when rights permit, downloading and reusing high quality European cultural heritage material. * The portal for professionals, The portal offers support to cultural heritage professionals for making cultural metadata and content accessible on the web through Europeana, as well as services for re-users who use or would like to use cultural heritage in their own services, tools, research and apps.

Background: Europeana ( was launched in 2008 as “The European Digital Library”, aiming to make Europe’s cultural heritage accessible to all through a single access point. Its creation was initiated by a letter from six Heads of State and Government in 2005 to the Commission. Today, Europeana is Europe’s digital platform for cultural heritage. It currently provides access to over 53 million items, (including image, text, sound, video and 3D material) from the collections of over 3,700 libraries, archives, museums, galleries and audio-visual collections across Europe. It links to digital objects held by the contributing cultural institutions, hosting only metadata (e.g. title of the work of art, creator, location).

Deadline pro podání nabídek: 26/3

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