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360 Feedback a koučing pro EU agenturu ze Solny

Tendr: 360 Feedback and Coaching Service

Zadavatel: Evropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí (ECDC), Solna, Švédsko

Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €240.000

Deadline pro podání nabídek: 28/6

Description of the services & scope of the contract:  The objective of this tender is to provide a portfolio of 360 feedback and coaching services for ECDC managers and other ECDC staff.  It is envisaged that the 360 feedback and coaching services will cater for the advancement of personal effectiveness and professional growth for the Coachees. 

 The selected contractor should perform interventions for individuals and/or for teams, strengthening their ability to perform their daily tasks within the organisation.  Services may include:

 1. Carrying out individual (1:1) coaching programmes with senior, middle and lower-level managers, or staff in charge of critical projects/assignments

2. Carrying out team-coaching assignments

3. Providing summary feedback and reports on coaching progression to the line manager of the coachee, yet ensuring full confidentiality of content of coaching sessions

4. Providing a monthly monitoring sheet of the completed coaching sessions to Human Resources

5. Conducting 360 feedback survey and related coaching activites:  For managers, the focus of the 360 feedback and coaching will include management capacity and managerial skills within the requirements of the ECDC working environment.

Description of the work/tasks: All services delivered to the management and staff of ECDC must take into account the multi-cultural and multi-lingual nature of the organisation. Staff will hold varying views about the principles of good management and functioning of an organisation, and this must be borne in mind in the conception and delivery of 360 feedback and coaching.  Furthermore, because services will be delivered in English, very few staff will be following activities in their mother-tongue. This must be borne in mind for the preparation of the 360 feedback and coaching sessions and during the actual delivery of the services. 

Coaches must have a command of the English language corresponding to the level of C1/C2 of the common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

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