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Finding a job in EU Affairs inBrussels

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Brussels hosts more than 100.000 persons working in EU affairs. Less than 50% are based in the EU institutions, the other 50.000 persons have a job in industry federations, consultancies, media, corporate, nonprofit organizations, think tanks or region and city representations.

In order to be one of them you need to know the Brussels market and you need to know how you should sell your profile to a possible employer. You need to have a structural CV and a perfect letter of intention, but you also need to know where to send these documents and how to follow up on them.

Everything about finding a job in Brussels is now packed up in a new and unique training day!

The main presentation will be held by Dr. Dan LUCA, who will share with you his 15 years of experience working in the private sector of Brussels EU affairs. Dr. Luca is in permanent interaction with the 3.000 industry associations, 400 consultancy companies, 300 region representations and 200 nonprofit organizations, most of these juridical entities employ people in Brussels.

The second part of the training will be presented by Ms. Anneli PROHASKA, a HR Manager who has worked for different companies/NGOs/associations in euro-Brussels. She will present tips and tricks how to improve your CV, motivation letter and your presentation during an interview.

After a success launch of the concept on the 3rd of December 2011, the February 2012 sessions (2nd of February and 11th of February), the May 2012 session (12th of May) and the June session (21st of June), the new training will take place Saturday, 15th of September 2012, from 10:00 to 17:00, in a venue close to Place Schuman (Brussels – European district).

In order to be accepted to this training, please send a short message with your motivation for wanting to take part in this training day and your CV to The number of places is limited and the first applicants will have priority.

The participation fee for this training is 100 euros.

Are you interested in taking part in this training, but are you not available on Saturday 15 September? There are two other dates planned for this training: Saturday 20 October and Saturday 17 November 2012. Just indicate in your application which date(s) are possible for you.


 9:30 – 10:00 Welcome of the participants

10:00 – 13:00 Explaining the market by Dr. Dan LUCA (DL International): a detailed presentation on the EU job market in Brussels. The speaker, who has worked over 15 years in Brussels, will explain each sector and all the stakeholders involved. This will give you a complete overview of the relevant sector, such as corporations, associations, NGOs, universities, think-tanks, and consultancies.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch offered by DL International

14:00 – 17:00 How to get the job you want by Anneli PROHASKA (JAPAGO – Recruitment & HR Consulting): this presentation will be given by a HR manager who has worked for different companies/NGOs/associations in Brussels. You will receive tips and tricks how to improve your CV, motivation letter and your presentation during an interview.

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