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Web apps, databases, online tools, data visualisations, multimedia publishing, interactive dashboard widgets and infographics for the CEDEFOP´s Web portal


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Call: Web Services for the Development, Support and Maintenance for the Cedefop’s Official Website and its CRM System

Contracting Authority: Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Thessaloniki, Greece

Framework contract for 4-years

The estimated volume for the required services corresponds to an approximate volume of 4 304 person-days over a 4-year period; the person-days might not be distributed evenly over the years. The provision of hosting services and related costs are estimated at some EUR 370 000 (without VAT) over 4 years. The information on volume is purely indicative, shall not be binding on Cedefop and should not be considered as a warranty as to the final value of the contract.

Deadline: 17/5

Short description of this contract: This framework service contract ensures the continuity of web services related to development, maintenance and support as well as consultancy, monitoring and hosting for the Cedefop official website and its CRM system thus contributing in the dissemination of the agency’s offering to its online users.

The aim of the contract is the provision of web development, support and maintenance services to the agency CRM system and official website, sustaining the current Drupal platform (Drupal 8) for its CMS, covering web services including the development and the implementation of web applications and online tools, data visualisations, interactive dashboard widgets, multimedia publishing, infographics (static or animated), open access repository compliant technologies, online communities/extranets, user experience design, project management, analysis and consultancy, web analytics, web hosting and helpdesk / users support services.

Description of the assignment: Cedefop will keep all its online content, related databases, online tools, data visualisations, interactive dashboard widgets, multimedia publishing and web applications on a Drupal platform which allows easy creation and configuration of dynamic interactive web pages that applies the agency’s visual identity. A prerequisite of the contractor is to master the technical platform currently in use: Drupal 8 and Suite CRM. The contractor will be asked to provide and maintain the required development and production environments infrastructure in the current technology to host all the web services, applications, databases, dashboards library and modules concerned.

The purpose of this call for tenders is to identify a suitable contractor that will:

• Take over the full-service responsibility (maintenance, guarantee of availability, security, service desk), setting up the appropriate Service Management;

• Maintain the current integrated solution for the CMS and the CRM;

• Provide hosting services;

• Deliver support and maintenance for the CMS and the CRM;

• Develop and maintain web applications, databases, online tools, data visualisations, multimedia publishing, interactive dashboard widgets and infographics for the Web portal;

• Perform user experience design, analysis and web development of new modules, features and extensions, using the agile methodology;

• Provide ways/solutions for stakeholders to interact/exchange information online;

• Provide user support and helpdesk services for the CMS and CRM, including user training.

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