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Vývoj IS pro evropskou železniční agenturu

Tender: External Service Provision in Fixed Price and Quoted Time and Means for Development, Consultancy and Support in the field of ERA Information Systems

Zadavatel: EU Agency for Railways (ERA), Valeciennes FR

Rámcový kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €4.000.000

Deadline: 3/2

Stručný popis: Cílem výzvy je uzavření (maximálně 5ti) vícestranných rámcových smluv na zajištění služeb mimo prostory veřejného zadavatele, které se týkají koncepce, rozvoje, realizace a podpory v oblasti informačních systémů.

Základní požadavky při realizaci:

• Analysis and design of information systems, their development, their implementation and maintenance,

• Conception of information systems, the analysis of their requirements, their quality and security, enterprise architecture and IS specific studies,

• User support, training and documentation, information systems production and administration.

The activities performed under this procedure may concern all types of information systems supported by or implemented on different devices (e.g. desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and all applications’ areas (e.g. data processing and information management applications, document management applications, etc.)

Předpokládaný objem práce: The volume of the total market is estimated at 6.000 person-days per year, which equals 24.000 person-days over the maximum contract duration.

Požadované profily / orientační počty hodin:

Project Manager (PM) 1.750 Application Architect / Analyst (AA) 2.000 Senior Developer (SDV) 6.000 Interface Analyst / Designer (IAD) 500 Technical Assistance Person (TAS) 300 Developer (DV) 8.500 Senior Consultant (SCO) 450 Consultant (CO) 900 IS tester (TE) 1.200 Service Manager (SM) 800 Service Administrator (SAD) 800 User Assistance person (UA) 800

Hlavní požadavky pro účast:

* Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above €1.999.999

* Minimum level of capacity:

The tenderers must provide at least 6 contract references (maximum 12 contract references) with at least 3 different clients during the period from 01/01/2016 to 30/09/2019.

a. The contract reference must relate to:   Information systems development – minimum 4 references;  Information systems consultancy and/or studies – minimum 1 reference;  Information systems support – minimum 1 reference.

b. The contract reference must cover the following requirements:  Client was an institution/company with over 100 registered users in total;  Cooperation was performed on the basis of a Service Level Agreement or equivalent;  Contract for a minimum period of 3 months during the period from 01/01/2016 to 30/09/2019;  The use of minimum one of the following elements is required: o RUP, Prince2 or equivalent waterfall methodology – minimum 1 reference; o Agile/Scaled Agile Framework or equivalent methodology – minimum 1 reference; o ITIL (or equivalent) – minimum 1 reference; o ISO security standards or equivalent (e.g. ISO 27000 series) – minimum 1 reference.

c. The contract reference must concern to the deployment/development/support/consulting services related to information systems based on:  Microsoft SharePoint (or equivalent) – minimum 1 reference;  IBM FileNet/IBM Case Foundation/IBM Case Manager– minimum 1 reference;  multi-device software implementation. It means that the contract references scope should be linked to implementation of software meant for at least 2 types of the following devices: o desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones or other.  different types of internet browsers. It means that the contract references scope should be linked to implementation of at least 2 different browsers (minimum 1 reference): o Microsoft Internet browsers, Firefox, Safari or other  mobile solutions (tablet and/or smartphone) where the end-users use one or more of the following operating systems (minimum 1 reference): o Android, iOS, Windows or other.

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