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The tender to better interconnect commercial cloud services with the research community


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Call: Commercial cloud services to boost research capabilities in Europe

Contractor: Open Clouds for Research Environments (EU-funded project)

The EU-funded project OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) has published a new tender. The tender aims at better interconnecting commercial cloud services with the research community to empower the European research capabilities.

This call OCRE Tender IaaS+ (Infrastructure as a Service) targets commercial cloud providers. One of the objectives of the project is make the selected services accessible through the service catalogue of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a trusted digital platform providing digital services for all European researchers. Additionally, providers will be connected to the GÉANT data network and the community’s single sign-on systems, bringing them into the heart of the research community’s digital ecosystem.

According to the consortium, the potential value of the call may reach €600 million through the awarding of framework contracts. The tendering process will be conducted through an open procedure and is divided in lots, whereas each lot represents one country. Services providers can easily bid in all countries covered in the tender or in a selected subset.

Per lot, a number of frameworks can be awarded. Estimated value per lot vary be significantly. More details are available in the tender document. 

Deadline: Interested bidders are invited to respond before the deadline of 2 June 2020, 12 CEST.

A webinar targetting potential bidders for the OCRE IaaS+ Tender will be held on 27 April 2020, 13:00 CEST.

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