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Technická pomoc a podpora pro evropskou agenturu „Galileo“ z Prahy

Zakázka: Poskytnutí technické pomoci a podpory pro program základních prvků + Poskytování obchodní pomoci a odbornosti pro GSA a projekty základních prvků

Zadavatel: Agentura pro evropský GNSS (GSA), Praha

Kontrakt na 4 roky, celkový budget €10.000.000

Zakázka bude rozdělena na dvě samostatné, na sobě nezávislé části (loty)

Lot 1) Poskytnutí technické pomoci a podpory pro program základních prvků. Budget €8.000.000/4 roky

The purpose of this lot is to provide technical assistance and expertise to the GSA for the Fundamental Elements projects and other related initiatives throughout the projects’ life-cycle. This includes support and assistance in pre-publication, project monitoring and management and post-project phase. Synergies and outcomes of previous GSA/EC projects under H2020 must be considered, used and implemented whenever applicable. As applicable and deemed necessary, GSA will provide available reports of related studies that the contractor might need in order to conduct the activities envisaged within the present framework contract.

The aim is to ensure the technical soundness of each project deliverable, maximising cross fertilisation between the activities, ultimately resulting in top-notch Galileo- and EGNOS-enabled devices that fill in the technological gaps in the GNSS equipment market. Additionally, to avoid double-funding of the Fundamental Elements projects and to maximise the outcomes, the contractor shall ensure joint reviews of the different Fundamental Elements projects’ deliverables and milestones.

Technical assistance and support to be provided may take different forms such as providing the technical expertise for the review of projects’ deliverables, production of dedicated surveys, studies and reports, support for leveraging and tailoring existing IT infrastructures, ad-hoc presentations of studies and reports at specific forums or meetings, and other preparatory, organisational, monitoring and evaluation activities, which might include travels and on-site technical assistance to GSA.

Work Package 1: Technology support platform for Fundamental Elements

Work Package 2: Technology support platform for the implementation of EGNSS services and differentiators

Lot 2) Platforma obchodní podpory pro základní prvky – Poskytování obchodní pomoci a odbornosti pro GSA a projekty základních prvků. Budget €2.000.000/4 roky

The purpose of this lot is to provide business assistance and expertise to the GSA for the Fundamental Elements projects during project implementation phase and post-project support. The objectives of this lot is to define and ensure the implementation of the go-to-market strategy, resulting in optimal adoption by the GNSS equipment market of the Galileo- and EGNOS-enabled devices developed by the FE projects.

Business assistance and support may take different forms such as providing the business expertise for the review of projects’ deliverables, production of dedicated surveys, studies and reports, development of specific analytical tools, ad-hoc presentations of studies and reports at the specific forums or meetings, as well as other preparatory, organisational, monitoring and evaluation activities, which might include travels and on-site business assistance to GSA.

Deadline pro odeslání nabídek 28/4

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