Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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Taková trochu větší komunikační kampaň

Tendr: Poskytování služeb spojených s organizováním informačních a komunikačních kampaní

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, DG COMM — Communication, Brusel

Stručný popis: Zakázka je zaměřena na poskytování řady služeb souvisejících s organizováním informačních a komunikačních kampaní (návrh, realizace, sledování a hodnocení).

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €200.000.000

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek: 17/6

Detaily: The objective of this invitation to tender is to provide the participating EU institutions and bodies with a Framework Contract for the provision of a range of services for the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of integrated information and communication campaigns. To this end, the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) will select five service providers at the end of the tendering procedure.

This call for tenders is inter-institutional. The following institutions and bodies are involved: European Commission, European External Action Service, European Central Bank and European Parliament. The following websites contain more information about the contracting authorities:

The participating European Union institutions and bodies wish to use specialised agencies in communication and public relations to carry out information and communication campaigns.

For the purposes of this call for tenders, an information and communication campaign is defined as a planned sequence of inter-related communication activities sharing a common creative concept and narrative, targeting pre-defined audiences with a common intervention logic, and having a specific timeline and dedicated budget. The objective is to deliver a defined and measurable outcome. An information and communication campaign is generally composed of the following steps (here shown with examples of activities that may be required):

– Analysis and design: definition of objectives, definition and segmentation of the target audience, designing the creative concept, designing the content strategy and the dissemination strategy including key performance metrics and the intervention logic to reach them.

– Implementation: production of the material needed for the campaign, the actual rollout and dissemination, with tailoring of the implementation to the national, regional or local level as needed. Implementation activities are closely linked to monitoring, performance measurement and optimisation efforts.

– Monitoring, performance measurement and optimisation: developing an integrated monitoring and evaluation methodology for the campaign including regular reporting, ex-ante research and testing of the strategy and the assets, ongoing monitoring the dissemination activities, analysing the impact of the actions, tracking agreed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and cooperating with independent evaluators and any other related activity. Evaluation can run in parallel with other stages of the campaign.

– Project management: deploying the right team and project management tools to ensure smooth, effective and timely implementation of the campaign based on a detailed planner, clear validation workflows, and the necessary reporting.

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