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Statická a interaktivní infografika pro Evropský parlament

Výzkumný odbor Evropského parlamentu (EP Research Service) hledá agenturu, která by byla schopna mu pomoci se zpracováním shromážděných dat pro statickou a interaktivní infografiku. Nabízí 4-letou rámcovou smlouvu s rozpočtem maximálně €800.000 (tj. zhruba €200.000 ročně).

Na zakázku by měl být nasazen tým o třech lidech (dva junioři s minimálně třemi lety zkušeností a jeden senior s pětiletou praxí).

Deadline pro odeslání hotové nabídky: 16. ledna 2019.

Další základní požadavky: minimální roční obrat za poslední uzavřený finanční rok €200.000 (v případě konsorcií možno sečíst) + minimálně dvě odpovídající reference (jedna “static”, jedna “interactive) za poslední tři roky. Velkou výhodou bude zkušenost se zpracováním “vědecký”/ statistických dat.

Co se očekává od vítěze – možné formáty:

  1. Static infographics or parts of infographics (to be used online and inside printed publications),
  2. Interactive infographics, including scrollable pages with parallax effects,
  3. Data visualisation products, including: * dynamic data visualisations, where animations are used to emphasise key information and for instance show movements in the data, * interactive data visualisations, where users are able to change the graphics so as to view different variables, select options and filters,
  4. Cutting-edge digital experiences to present client’s research and analysis (immersive websites, apps, microsites, etc.).

Obsah nabídky (kromě administrativy):

Case study 1: Online data visualisation

Briefing: Tenderers should develop a creative idea for an online interactive product dedicated to the topic of facts and figures of the European Parliament. The interactive data visualisation should serve as an information product for all citizens before the European Elections in May 2019.

  1. A detailed description of the creative idea/conceptual idea and an explanation of the rationale behind it. This is to assess that the tenderer’s case proposal fully addresses client’s specific business needs and triggers the interest of the target audience to want to explore the product; Max. 15 points;
  2. A wireframe and/or a Storyboard to show how the data will be presented to the user. This is to assess that the tenderer’s case proposal clearly communicates complex information and data and adequately applies storytelling techniques. Max. 10 points;
  3. Mock-ups to show the proposed visual style. A description of the interactive elements of the final product should be included. These interactive elements should allow the audience to explore the facts for themselves; should provide multiple angles using different parameters; should allow users to explore data at their own initiative and find the angle that most interest them. This is to assess that the tenderer’s case proposal provides engaging and user-friendly ways to access data and information, is creative and turns complex data into high-impact visuals. Max. 10 points.

Case study 2: Static data visualisation

  1. Briefing: Tenderers should develop a creative idea to build an A2 size poster, presenting the key information related to the European Parliament elections. The poster should present available data in a creative and visually arresting way. The aim of the poster is to inform citizens about trends in the European elections. It should clearly show the value added of the research done by the client.

Award criteria – Deliverables

Based on the requested service and according to the briefing described above, the Tenderer must provide the following:

  1. A detailed description of the creative idea/conceptual idea and an explanation of the rationale behind it. This is to assess that the tenderer’s case proposal fully addresses client’s specific business needs and triggers the interest of the target audience to want to explore the product; Max. 15 points;
  2. A wireframe, to illustrate the proposed structure & mood boards and/or mockups to illustrate the proposed look and style for the redesign of the infographic. This is to assess that the tenderer’s case proposal adequately translates facts/raw data into attractive visual stories that users will want to share Max. 10 points.

Požadavky na odborné kvality členů realizačního týmu: In respect of the contract which is the subject of this invitation to tender the European Parliament requires tenderers to have the following technical and professional capacity:

– at least three years’ experience in services/deliveries similar to those required by the contract concerned;

– a team of minimum 3 people corresponding to the following job profiles:

The staff proposed for the execution of the contract must correspond to one or both profiles as required below:

  • Junior Expert – Educational qualifications Bachelor degree.

– Technological qualifications Required working knowledge of the following technologies: • HTML (including HTML5) • CSS3 • Javascript • JSON • D3 • XML • XSLT • Photoshop • Illustrator • Wireframe development of user interfaces • Prototyping • Usability testing • Accessibility standards

– Professional experience Required minimum 3 years experience in web user interface design and graphic development for web applications or equivalent combination of education and experience

– Language skills Required working knowledge of English or French.

– Other specific expertise Required expertise in the following areas: • Cross-browser issues • Responsive web design • Mobile first approach • Wireframe development • Integration of an existing graphical charter • Analytic and problem-solving skills • Interpersonal communication and collaboration skills • Flexibility to work both independently and as part of a multiculural and multi-skilled team • understanding of statistics and data visualisation techniques.

  • Senior Expert – Educational qualifications Degree related to the field covered by the contract (4 years post-secondary education) or equivalent background knowledge and experience of minimum 4 years.

– Technological qualifications Required working knowledge of the following technologies: • HTML (including HTML5) • CSS3 • Javascript • JSON • D3 • XML

  • XSLT • Photoshop • Illustrator • Wireframe development of user interfaces • Prototyping • Usability testing • Accessibility standards

– Professional experience Required minimum 5 years experience on top of the educational qualifications in web user interface design and graphic development for web applications or equivalent combination of education and experience. The professional experience shall be documented by successful projects in web user interface design and development services on which the expert worked.

– Language skills Required working knowledge of English or French.

– Other specific expertise Required expertise in the following areas: • Cross-browser issues • Responsive web design • Mobile first approach • Wireframe development • Integration of an existing graphical charter • Analytic and problem-solving skills • Interpersonal communication and collaboration skills • Flexibility to work both independently and as part of a multicultural and multi-skilled team • Understanding of statistics and data visualisation techniques.

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