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ServiceNow služby pro EU agentruru z Lucemburska


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Provision of Support and Implementation Services for the ESM ServiceNow

European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Luxembourg

Kontrakt na 4 roky

Short description: In 2015 the ESM selected ServiceNow as Software as a Service (“SaaS”) for the ESM IT Service and FM Management. The ESM intends to establish a Framework Agreement with a single service provider for the provision of support and implementation services for the ESM ServiceNow. The support services will have to be provided on recurrent basis.The implementation services shall be understood as complex changes to the solution (e.g. additional enhancements, functionalities or features to the implemented Solution, as well as any changes, configurations or releases thereto to reflect changes in practices, processes, etc.)

The ESM intends to establish a Framework Agreement with a single provider for the provision of support and implementation services ServiceNow as Software as a Cloud Service (“SaaS”) for the ESM IT and FM Service Management. The ESM will award the Framework Agreement to the service provider who meets best the award criteria set in the procurement documents and obtains the highest final score.

Deadline: 6/5

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