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Řízení Enterprise Content Management pro agenturu ECHA z Finska


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Tendr: Rámcová smlouva na poskytnutí služeb IT v oblasti řízení podnikového obsahu (ECM)

Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro chemické látky (ECHA), Helsinki FI

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €8.900.000

Deadline pro podání nabídky: 24/4

Stručný popis: Poskytnutí služeb v oblasti řízení podnikového obsahu (ECM). Toto zahrnuje služby související s těmito oblastmi:

1) projekty pro vývoj a údržbu softwaru IT;

2) služba podpory (styk s klienty i podpůrné služby);

3) správa aplikací (IT operace);

4) konzultační a správní služby;

5) služby transformace.

Služby týkající se různých ECM produktů (Documentum, Confluence, Liferay) a funkcí podnikového obsahu (jako mimo jiné správa případů, řízení znalostí, správa záznamů, obsahu a informační vstupy a výstupy, spolupráce).

Technologies in scope: ECHA uses four main content management software in its ECM solutions, i.e. OpenText Documentum, Atlassian Confluence, Liferay and Microsoft SharePoint*.

From the above list, within the scope of this FwC the following products are included:

 Documentum

 Confluence; 

 Liferay.

* MS SharePoint is excluded due to the fact that ECHA intends to cover the services related to it, as well as many other Microsoft products, under another FwC. 

Základní požadavky:

A minimum average annual turnover of 5 000 000 EUR over the past 3 closed financial years.

The tenderer must have sufficient recent work experience in the provision of services in the scope of this procedure. At the time of submitting their tender, the tenderer must have a minimum of 3 years of experience (during the period 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, up to the date for submission of the tender), – acquired in customer engagements – in providing services matching the scope, nature and complexity of the type of services covered by this procedure, as described in the Technical and Contractual Specifications. The required minimum capacity level is, as follows: 

a) Software development services:

Minimum value for each of the presented projects 250 000 euro excluding Hardware, Licence costs and Application Management costs. This value corresponds to the work that contributed to the software version that was released into production during 2017 to 2020.

At least three (3) projects completed:

– Where the tenderer provided project services relevant to the scope of this FwC

– Where at least two of the three should be based on Documentum technologies 

– Where at least one of the three should be based on Java technologies

– Where  at least one of the three should be serving a minimum of 300 users

b) Application management services:

The tenderer must have delivered at least two application management services assignments, which substantially involved technology falling into the scope of this Framework Contract. The value of the references shall be a minimum of 150 000 euro specifically for Application Management services for the corresponding services delivered during 2017 to 2020. This value excludes hardware and third-party software licence costs, software development services.

Staff capacity – The Tenderer must have, on average per year during 2017, 2018 and 2019, minimum a total number of 50 staff members collectively covering all the profile:


Minimum Average Capacity         Certified Capacity

Programme manager 1 1

Project manager 4 2

Service manager 2 2

Architect 2 2

Analyst, senior 4 2

Analyst, junior 3 –

Business change expert 3 –

ECM expert 5 2

Developer, senior 5 5

Developer, junior 3 2

User experience specialist 2 –

Test manager 2 1

Tester 4 3

Service Supporter 5 3

Application administrator 3 2

Security consultant 2 1

 Minimum seven must have certification in Documentum v.7 or newer

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