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Provision of Services for innovative financial Supervisory Technology. Big data, AI, ML…


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Call for: Provision of Services for innovative financial Supervisory Technology

Contracting Authority: European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main

Framework Contract for 4 years / est. total value €227.500.000

Lot1 – Digital Transformation Delivery and the Exploration, Prototyping, Deployment and Training of Emerging Technologies.

Lot2 – Brokerage of emerging Technologies Exploration, Prototyping and Training services for Banking Supervision and Central Banking

Background: The European Central Bank (ECB) directly supervises the largest banks in the Eurozone, working closely with the national supervisory authorities under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) The main aims are to: (i) ensure the safety and soundness of the European banking system; (ii) increase financial integration and stability; (iii) ensure consistent supervision. Supervisory Technology (thereinafter also mentioned as “SupTech”) is more broadly defined as the use of innovative technology by financial authorities to support their work. The term ‘innovative’ technology refers to the application of big data or Artificial Intelligence (thereinafter also mentioned as “AI”) to tools and processes used for the purpose of supervision of financial institutions.

Short description of both lots (tenders may be submitted for one lot only):

*** Lot 1 — Suptech Digital Transformation Delivery Including Business Process Reengineering and the Deployment of Emerging Technologies (budget €210.000.000):

The scope of this procurement procedure is to procure external consultancy support to improve and further digitize existing supervisory practices and tasks at the ECB.

The consultancy services will cover business process reengineering services, digital transformation services for intra-institutional and inter-institutional supervisory practices, intelligent business process automation for banking supervision, advisory and delivery services to accelerate the deployment and integration of AI/ML capabilities into existing SSM application and the delivery of additional smart IT solutions for the SSM using emerging technologies (e.g. text analytics, chatbots).

The procured framework agreements will have a focus on the services required for Banking supervision and require respective supplier’s knowledge.

*** Lot 2 — Brokerage of emerging Technologies Exploration, Prototyping and Training services for Banking Supervision and Central Banking (budget €17.500.000)

The scope of this procurement procedure is to have access to highly-specialized academic think tanks, SMEs and start-ups in the field in the field of Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (e.g. robotic process automation, text analytics, low-code-development) relevant for European Central Bank (ECB) central banking and ECB banking supervision. The services to be procured in this lot consist of two elements:

1) Start-ups scouting and rapid prototyping services, including scouting, matching, selection and sub-contracting of innovation ecosystem partners (SMEs, start-ups and academia) to work on emerging technologies exploration and prototyping (including exploration, proofs of concept, prototypes and/or minimum viable products).

2) Tailored acceleration/education programmes, including providing regular information about latest market trends, delivering tailored educational services (mix of theoretical knowledge and real-life use-cases), and preparation and support for acceleration programmes and other initiatives on areas of interest.

One single broker shall be contracted with the aim to facilitate the cooperation and engagement with academia, SMEs and start-ups for specific business problems of the ECB. The broker shall act as the single contractor of the ECB and offer access to academia, SMEs and start-ups though sub-contracting them.

The ECB expects from the broker reasonable handling fees, value added services, connection and engagement with relevant European (and ideally also other international) SMEs, start-ups and academic think tanks useful for the ECB, and complementary advisory services such as web-based access to deliverables such as trend scouting, innovation radar, webinars and other training material.

The procured framework agreement will be used by all business areas at the ECB that need support and information in the field of emerging technologies, without a limitation to the field of Banking supervision.

These two lots are self-contained in terms of scope and should be seen to complement each other in the range of services to be provided is concerned.

• Supervisory Technology (SupTech) Tender Lot 1 (related to this ‘Call for Applications’) – “SupTech digital transformation delivery including business process reengineering and the deployment of emerging technologies” is requesting external consultancy support to improve and further digitise existing supervisory practices and tasks at the ECB

• Supervisory Technology (SupTech) Tender Lot 22 – “Brokerage Services for emerging technologies exploration, prototyping and training services for banking supervision and central banking” is requesting access to highly-specialised think tanks and start-ups through an innovation hub (or a network of them) that will act as a single broker for the ECB.

Lot 1 (scope of this Call for Application) will deliver Business Process Transformation & Supervision services and accelerate the deployment and integration of AI/Machine Learning capabilities into existing SSM applications using new technologies and trends such as Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain Integration, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Cyber Security, Chatbots, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and maybe other emerging technologies.

The companies awarded with a FWA for Lot 1 may also be contracted for the reengineering of minimal viable products that were developed by the contractors of Lot 2 and to take them to production.

Expression of Interest deadline Feb.16, tender start April 30.

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