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Press release and news distribution platform for Dublin-based EU agency

Tender: Provision of press release and news distribution platform

Contracting authority: Eurofound (The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin

General objectives: The two-part purpose of this contract is to: 1. Efficiently disseminate Eurofound’s press releases, news articles and blogs about new research findings, data and analysis to relevant audiences, in the overall effort to raise the attention of Eurofound’s work, contribute to the public debates and reinforce Eurofound’s position as a source of high quality information about socio-economic development in Europe. 2. Efficiently monitor and measure the impact of Eurofound’s promotional and marketing activities in online, print and broadcast media, in forums and on social media channels, as part of Eurofound’s overall communication and awareness-raising efforts to contribute to the public debates and social policy-making in the European Union.

Specific objectives:  The primary objective is to facilitate the dissemination of information to relevant journalists, online commentators and influencers, using their chosen method of communication, with an emphasis on a simple and effective operation to publish once and disseminate to many channels, and encourage social media engagement and interaction.  Another specific objective and ambition is to identify new and expand the number of contacts with relevant journalists and media representatives, and online commentators and influencers, operating in the field of socio-economic policy making across the European Union.  A third important objective and ambition is maintain a finger on the pulse of what is happening in the public debates concerning the development of socio-economic issues by listening, and tracking down marketing and media opportunities for placing relevant Eurofound data, findings and policy pointers and contribute to these relevant public debates.  Finally, an important objective is to be able to measure and quantify the success of Eurofound’s communication with journalists and online commentators and influencers, and provide user-friendly statistics and input to the organisation’s key performance indicators.

Economic and financial capacity criteria:  The tenderer must be in a stable financial position;  Turnover of the last two financial years above €70.000; this criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. the combined capacity of all members of a group in case of a joint tender;

Technical and professional capacity criteria and evidence:

* The tenderer must prove experience in the field of press release and news distribution as well as in customer relationship management, media monitoring, and metrics and performance reporting of the above (the tenderer must provide references for minimum 3 projects based on providing online newsroom delivered in the last three years with a minimum value for each project of €10.000. The online newsroom service referred to must contain the following features:  Dissemination via email to social media channels,  Identification of online influencers,  Monitoring for article cuttings in newspapers and magazines, broadcast media and news agencies, in both electronic and print format,  Reporting and assistance service.

* The tenderer must prove capacity to provide its services to target audiences in all 24 EU official languages (the tenderer must provide references for two projects delivered in the last three years showing the necessary language coverage)

* The tenderer must prove its capacity to provide its services to target audiences and cover media sources in all 28 EU countries (the tenderer must provide references for two projects delivered in the last three years showing the required geographical scope.

* The team delivering the service should include, as a minimum, the following profiles: B1 – Liaising Manager: At least two years experience in managing client accounts, including overseeing timely delivery and quality control of delivered service in project of a similar scope and coverage.

Deadline 17/10

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