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Od kampaní přes grafický design, AV produkci, weby, aplikace až po events… Instituce EU hledají nejlepší komunikační agentury

Tendr: Inter-institutional multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of services in the field of communication and organisation of events

Zadavatel: EASME (The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Brusel – jménem desítek dalších EU institucí a Agentur

Deadline 10/7

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €130.000.000

Základní požadavky na uchazeče:

* Average yearly turnover for the last two financial years, for which the accounts have been closed, shall be above €30.000.000. 

* At least three EU campaigns in this field.

Background: EASME, on behalf of all participating contracting authorities, wishes to enter into an interinstitutional multiple FWC in cascade with a maximum of three selected tenderers.

Požadované služby:

1. Communication services: These tasks cover the design, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of integrated information and communication activities of the Contracting Authority in the field of their respective EU policies and programmes.

Communication Activities and Campaigns

Editorial Services

Design and Illustration

Production of audio-visual and multimedia content

Digital outreach: websites, platforms and other digital applications

2. Events, conferences and training sessions: These tasks cover the support to the Contracting Authority in the organisation of events, such as conferences, info days and training sessions. This includes video conferences, webinars, and types of remote conferencing. The required services will range from strategy and concept development, event management and organisation, to photo/video/social media coverage of the event and logistical aspects.

3. Translation services: The texts to be translated, adapted, revised and proofread may come from different sources. The Contractor must be able to deliver quality translation of a large range of texts: general, specialised, journalistic, legislative and commercial texts, advertisements, surveys, subtitles, metadata and keywords. The Contractor must be ready to adapt the text to different supports such as paper publications, web pages, audiovisual material, presentations, social media or advertisements.

+++ Geographical scope of the tasks: The services to be delivered will cover the EU Member States, EEA16/EFTA17 and EU candidate countries and potential candidate countries. Moreover, the Contracting Authority may also request delivery to additional third countries that cannot be defined in advance. In these cases, the Contractor is expected to deliver services directly or through local suppliers and/or to propose relevant partnerships in order to carry out the requested activities.

Team required (as a minimum, the following profiles):

1.1. Project director 1.2. Project manager (Communication, Events, IT)  1.3. Junior project manager (Communication, Events, IT)  1.4. Project manager intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises)  1.5. Junior project manager intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises)

2.1. Senior communication consultant  2.2. Social media / Community manager  2.3. Junior social media manager  2.4. Social media / Community manager intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises)  2.5. Junior social media manager intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises)  2.6. Media experts (planning and monitoring) 

3.1. Editor / copywriter / journalist   3.2. Proof reader

4.1. Graphic designer  4.2. Junior graphic designer 4.3. Graphic designer intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises) 4.4. Junior graphic designer intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises) 4.5. Photographer  4.6. Illustrator / cartoonist  4.7. Art director

5.1. Film director  5.2. Production manager 5.3. Production assistant 5.4. Audio-visual journalist  5.5. Script writer 5.6. Photography director  5.7. Video cameraman 5.8. Assistant video cameraman 5.9. Actor 5.10. Junior Actor 5.11. Make-up artist / Hairdresser 5.12. Decorator / Stylist  5.13. Electrician / Technician 5.14. Sound engineer 5.15. Sound operator 5.16. Video engineer 5.17. Assistant video engineer 5.18. Lighting engineer 5.19. Lighting technician 5.20. Video editor 5.21. Motion designer 5.22. Voice-over / Commentator / Speaker 5.23. Sound / video editor

6.1. Senior web consultant 6.2. Web editor 6.3. Web editor intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises) 6.4. IT / Web developer 6.5. IT / Web developer intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises) 6.6. User Interface/experience (UI/UX) expert 6.7. Web integrator / Content encoder 6.8. Web integrator / Content encoder intra-muros (contracting authorities’ premises)

8.1. Senior events consultant 8.2. Professional event photographer  8.3. IT and audio-visual technician (onsite) 8.4. Hostesses, stewards, reception staff 8.5. Security staff 8.6. Event moderator

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