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Vymyslete EU kampaň “Měsíc kybernetické bezpečnosti”. Tendr začne v únoru

Tendr: Content creation for European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) campaign

Zadavatel: ENISA (EU Networks and Info Security Agency), Greece

Deadline pro formální EOI: 31/1

Negotiated Procedure – maximum budget: €60.000

ENISA aims at procuring supporting services for the European cybersecurity month campaign 2020 – the EUs annual awareness raising campaign that takes place in October.

The tasks delivered as part of this project include:

1. Assist in building target audience personas.

2. Develop new content for owned and earned media campaigns.

3. Plan execution of campaign with the creation of a content calendar.

4. Execute campaign in October in line with approved plan.

The project is scheduled to run from April to November 2020.

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