Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

IT pomoc se “školící bránou” a mobilními aplikacemi pro EU agenturu z Lisabonu

Tendr: Poskytnutí služeb v oblasti IKT pro bránu školního vzdělávání (SEG) a mobilní aplikace IMS

Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro námořní bezpečnost (EMSA), Lisabon

Deadline 6/3

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €1.600.000

Práce “na dálku”

Stručný popis: Cílem agentury EMSA je uzavřít rámcovou smlouvu se zkušeným poskytovatelem služeb podpory při opravě kódů, vývojové údržby, IT helpdesku a aktualizacích týkajících se internetové aplikace SEG a mobilních aplikací IMS.

Technical and professional capacity – Selection criteria: The tenderer’s technical capacity will be evaluated based on the following criteria that will be applied to the legal entity(ies) submitting the offer and not to any mother company or company of the same economic group but not part of the grouping tendering in this procedure:

 The tenderer shall have proven experience with projects using front-end technologies for map based web applications (HTML5, CSS, Javascript, OpenLayers)

 The tenderer shall have proven experience with projects for software development of applications using system to system interfaces based on SOAP and REST webservices.

 The tenderer shall have proven experience with projects using OSB (Oracle Service Bus), Weblogic and Oracle DB.

  The tenderer shall have proven experience with projects for software development of iOS and Android based mobile applications (implementation, build and publishing)

 The tenderer shall have proven experience with the implementation of software projects using a continuous delivery approach (fully automated testing and deployment).

 The tenderer shall have proven experience with projects for the implementation of web applications and designing the respective user web interfaces. 

Minimum capacity levels for the profiles requested:

  1. Project Manager:  University degree(s) in the IT or Engineering field.  More than 10 years of experience (proven experience, not attendance of seminars) including at least 5 in project management positions.  Experience in front-end web applications and mobile applications.  Experience in projects delivering operational applications and providing helpdesk support for the operational applications.
  2. ii. Solution Architect:  University degree(s) in the IT field.  More than 8 years in system design (at least 5 years of experience in analysing user requirements and translating them into functional, technical, and testing specifications).  Experience in front-end web applications and system integration   Experience with web service (REST/SOAP) interface design.  Experience with Java Development frameworks and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).   Experience with Weblogic application servers. 
  3. iii. Programmer/developer:  At least 4 years’ experience programming Java or Javascript (preferably Angular) applications.  Knowledge of SQL.  Knowledge of Spring framework.  Knowledge of Maven, JUnit.
  4. iv. Web designer:  At least 4 years of experience in web design for applications with web user interfaces (the tender shall include references to the work delivered).  Technical expertise in using design related tools, such as Sketch, Illustrator, HTML, CSS, or equivalent.  Knowledge in web design using Java Server Faces, ReactJS, or equivalent.
  5. v. Mobile App designer (MD)  University degree(s) in the IT field.  More than 6 years in system design (at least 3 years of experience in analysing user requirements and translating them into functional, technical, and testing specifications).  Experience in mobile applications development and system integration   Experience in UX/UI design
  6. vi. Mobile App programmer/developer (MP)  At least 4 years of experience programming mobile applications.  Experience with Objective C, Swift, Java, Javascript, HTML5  Experience with iOS and Android SDK and IDEs  Knowledge of Maven and JUnit.
  7. vii. Tests Engineer:  At least 2 years experience with projects of software development with continuous delivery approach (full test automation and deployment).  Experience with ReadyAPI, Jenkins, Puppet, Flyway or equivalent tools.  Experience with deriving test cases from requirements and reporting on the test coverage.
  8. viii. Quality Assurance Officer:  More than 5 years of experience as quality manager for software development projects.  Experience with static code analysis tools, like SonarQube or equivalent.

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