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Interactive digital learning products & educational animations for CEPOL

Provision of services in production of interactive digital learning products including instructional design, and educational animations

Buyer: European Union Agency For Law Enforcement, Budapest

FWC: 48 months

Budget without VAT €800 000,00 EUR

Deadline: 27/06/2024

Background: The need for content authoring services, including instructional design, educational animations and interactive digital learning products, is paramount in today’s world. The new CEPOL Strategy for 2023-2027 emphasizes the need for further development of the training environment, enforcing technological solutions for education, and capacity building for interactive online learning solutions. Additionally, the SPD 2024-2026 work program activity 2.2 aims to develop new, innovative, specialized, and multi-layered learning solutions. Among the objectives the objective for 2.6 for 2024 is to design and implement a new learning environment and new methodologies focusing on operational, hands-on, interactive approaches, simulations, exercises, and student-centered learning. These actions justify the emerging need for content authoring services that can create engaging and interactive content to maintain learners’ attention. Instructional design helps create – learning experiences that cater to the needs of learners, ensuring effectiveness in the educational process. Educational animations can help explain complex concepts in a simple and engaging way. Interactive digital learning products can provide learners with an immersive experience that enhances their understanding of the subject matter. Quality content is translated as error-free, well-structured, and easy to understand. These services are crucial in creating high-quality content that meets the needs of learners and provides them with an enriching learning experience while promotes CEPOL’s vision. Moreover, these services play a role in building a strong brand awareness, ensuring that learners not only recognize but also become familiar with CEPOL’s products.

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