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Intelligent Analysis of Network Traffic needed


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Provision of an AI-based Network Traffic Analysis tool

SatCen –  The European Union Satellite Centre, Spain

Description of the contract: The European Union Satellite Centre (“SatCen”) seeks to award a contract for the provision of an AI-based Network Traffic Analysis tool (“the AI-NTA tool” further on).

The AI-NTA tool may come in the form of a physical appliance or in the form of a virtual machine, whatever meets best the requirements.

The AI-NTA tool will be based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), using a learning phase in which system learns the “baseline” traffic, and from there, detects anomalies on an early stage.

The AI-NTA tool should have an extra-option, which is an autonomous response mechanism that automatically blocks in unattended mode any cyber-attack.

The AI-NTA tool should be able to cover private and/or public clouds (such as AWS (with VPC traffic mirroring, Microsoft Azure (with VTAP), and technologies such as containers, Kubernetes, SaaS.

The AI-NTA tool should be able to detect in-progress attacks based on emails.

The term of the contract shall be one (1) year from its signature.

The maximum budget for this contract is 60,000.00€, excluding VAT, covering all services and for the whole period of validity of the contract.

Contract signature is expected for mid June 2020.

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