Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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ICT support (conception, development, implementation) for EU body in BXL

Tendr: Rozvoj, poradenství a podpora v oblasti informačních systémů pro Jednotný výbor pro řešení krizí – poskytování služeb v režimu čas a prostředky

Zadavatel: Jednotný výbor pro řešení krizí (SRB), Brussels

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / celkový budget €24.900.000

Zakázka je rozdělena na dvě samostatné / na sobě nezávislé části:

Lot1: Poradenské služby týkající se koncepčního, vývojového a implementačního informačního systému. Budget €19.900.000

Lot2: Správa a podpora informačních systémů a konfigurací IKT. Budget €5.000.000

Deadline pro nabídky: 5/7

Background and objectives: The objective of this Call for Tenders is to establish new framework contracts in cascade that would replace the existing Framework contracts SRB/OP/3/2018 under both Lot 1 and Lot 2 under which the SRB currently covers its needs in the field of IT services.

The Single Resolution Board launched in 2018 an open Call for Tenders aiming at the conclusion of new framework contracts for the provision of development, operations, consultancy and support services in the field of information systems, in time and means (and proximity time and means) mode.

The Call for Tenders in 2018 resulted in the establishment of Framework Contract and support for the Single Resolution Board (SRB) Information systems (IS) – Time and Means service provision.

Description of the current FWC: The services covered by the abovementioned FWC are the following: adaptation and/or integration of existing systems and products with activities such as project management, pre-analysis, feasibility studies, proof of concept, analysis, design, programming, testing, installation, customisation, documentation, training, end-user assistance and information systems consultancy services.

SRB/OP/3/2018 is divided into two distinct lots:

 Lot 1: Consultancy services related to the conception, development and implementation of information systems (IS) at the SRB premises.

 Lot 2: Administration, operations and support of information systems and ICT configurations for the SRB premises.

The two lots were awarded in the form of a cascade, with five contractors for Lot 1 and three  contractors for Lot 2.

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