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Frontex vypíše tendr na pomoc s vývojem svých informačních systémů


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Název: Provision of services for development and consultancy on information systems under Time and Means conditions

Zadavatel: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Varšava

Popis: The main goal of this procurement procedure is to establish multiple Framework Contracts with re-opening of competitions enabling efficient provision of services for development, implementation, consultancy and support of information systems to be implemented based on a resource-oriented approach (time and means).

The Framework Contracts resulting from this tender will be a source of acquiring services for the following areas:

1. Design, development and implementation of information systems, including concept elaboration, requirement analysis, system implementation and maintenance.

2. Integrating systems and data;

3. Management of projects and provision of other services in scope of software development;

4. Other areas involved in the development of information systems like: information systems’ security, enterprise architecture, quality assurance, IT governance, IT processes support and maintenance, etc. Services may concern all types of information systems and all areas. Services may concern: systems, applications, projects, processes, maintenance and support. Services may address the current technologies as well as legacy technologies and the new emerging technologies. Services may fall under one of the following domains (not exhaustively listed): – computer software consultancy; – computer software design, development and implementation; – software applications maintenance and support. The services will involve activities such as (not exhaustively listed): project management, pre-analysis, feasibility studies, proof of concept, analysis, advice, IT architecture activities, design, programming, testing, installation, integration, deployment, hardening and adaptation, IT solutions maintenance, customisation, configuration, documentation, data entry, application administration, training, quality check, transfer of knowledge and information systems consultancy services. The framework contracts, resulting from this procurement procedure provide for a contractual way of satisfying the needs for the services related to development, implementation, consultancy and support of information systems and applications.

Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: 75,000,000 EUR

Díl: PAR-0001

Název: Provision of services for development and consultancy on information systems in Onsite and Near-site service provision modes under Time and Means conditions

Popis: The services shall be provided using one of the following two possible delivery modes: Onsite (intra muros) and Near-site remote service provision (extra muros). The two delivery modes determine the contracting of specific number of man-days of the service under pre-defined profiles (Time and Means) performed at Frontex premises, other locations designated by Frontex within EU, the Contractor’s premises or at the declared place of telework by the Contractor. Please refer to Terms of Reference, section 4.1, for details. It is assumed that the majority of services under the contract will be executed in Near-site mode, with potential teleworking possibilities where applicable. However, the types of delivery modes are flexible and could evolve during the implementation of the FWC, according to Frontex needs. The place of execution/performance will be defined per profile in each Request for Services and indicated in the Specific Contract.

Doba trvání: 48 MONTH

Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: 40,000,000 EUR

Další informace: There are two main service delivery modes depending on the places of performance: Onsite and Near-site. The services will be performed at Frontex premises or other locations designated by Frontex, the Contractor’s premises or at the declared place of telework by the Contractor. Provision of ICT-related services in Fixed Price mode and in Quoted Time and Means mode is out of the scope of this procurement procedure. Please refer to Terms of Reference, section 4.1, for details. It is assumed that the majority of services under the contract will be executed in Near-site mode, with potential teleworking possibilities where applicable. However, the types of delivery modes are flexible and could evolve during the implementation of the FWC, according to Frontex needs. The place of execution/performance will be defined per profile in each Request for Services and indicated in the Specific Contract.

Díl: PAR-0002

Název: Provision of services for development and consultancy on information systems in Far-site service provision mode and under Time and Means conditions.

Popis: The services shall be provided using Far-site remote service provision delivery mode (extra muros). The delivery mode determines the contracting of specific number of man-days of the service under pre-defined profiles (Time and Means) performed at locations designated by Frontex within EU Member States, the Contractor’s premises or at the declared place of telework by the Contractor. Please refer to Terms of Reference, section 4.1, for details. The place of execution/performance will be defined per profile in each Request for Services and indicated in the Specific Contract.

Doba trvání: 48 MONTH

Odhadovaná hodnota bez DPH: 35,000,000 EUR

Další informace: The services will be provided in Far-site service provision mode. The services may will be performed within EU Member States at the Contractor’s premises or at the declared place of telework by the Contractor. Please refer to Terms of Reference, section 4.1, for details. The place of execution/performance will be defined per profile in each Request for Services and indicated in the Specific Contract. Provision of ICT-related services in Fixed Price mode and in Quoted Time and Means mode is out of the scope of this procurement procedure.

Předpokládané datum zveřejnění oznámení o zakázce v rámci tohoto řízení: 16. ledna 2024

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