Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Frontex shání pomoc s budováním a provozem svých citlivých komunikačních sítí


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Tendr: Framework Contracts for ICT Products and Services for Restricted Communication Network

Zadavatel: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw

Rámcová smlouva na 5 let (1+4)

Zakázka je rozdělena na dvě zcela nezávislé/samostatné části

Celkový budget: €32.000.000 (lot1 – €17m a lot2 €15m)

Procedura bude mít 2 fáze: 1) projevení zájmu + 2) vlastní tendr pro vyzvané

Lot 1 – Infrastructure Evolution and Maintenance: shall cover the following main areas:

(a) RCN evolution: (i) extension of the Network to accommodate additional Member States, Schengen associated countries, and selected EU Agencies; (ii) enhancement and rationalisation of network’s infrastructure, including improvement of stability, reliability, and availability of the network’s infrastructure; (iii) extending accessibility to local users and systems; (iv) development of new network services; (v) interconnection and integration with external systems and applications of Member States and FRONTEX; (vi) development of disaster recovery services; (vii) development of EUROSUR training environments; (viii) support of FRONTEX’ move to the new premises.

(b) maintenance and support (24/7 support can be requested): (i) daily operation of EUROSUR network; (ii) maintenance and support of the network, including hardware maintenance; (iii) maintenance and support of the network’s applications.

(c) delivery of related products, supply of ICT hardware, related licenses, and services.

Lot 2 – Software Development and Maintenance: shall cover the following main areas:

(a) evolution: (i) enhancement of the network’s applications; (ii) development of new network services and applications; (iii) integration with external systems and applications of Member States and FRONTEX;

(b) maintenance and support (24/7 support can be requested): (i) daily operation of the network’s applications; (ii) maintenance and support of the network’s applications.

DEADLINE pro projevení zájmu: 21/3 – 23:59

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