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Frontex needs statistical software for forecasting and predictive analysis


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Call: High level statistical software to fulfil the requirements for the creation and development of a pre-warning mechanism with particular regard to forecasting and predictive analysis.

Contracting authority: FRONTEX – Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž, Warsaw PL

Deadline for expression of interest 30/6

Short description – The software must contain the following tools/functionalities:

– Data management tool for a large amount of data and variables;

– Forecasting tool for the application of at least three different advanced forecasting methods;

– Statistic package for data analysis as per advanced statistics methods;

– High level visualization output for each of the above-mentioned tools and functionalities – such output must include the production of maps;

– Training for each user licenced to the software on the above-mentioned tools.

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