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Evropská agentura ACER z Lublaně hledá vývojáře a údržbáře aplikací v Javě


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Tendr: Poskytnutí služeb vývoje, údržby a podpory pro aplikace Java pro Agenturu Evropské unie pro spolupráci energetických regulačních orgánů

Zadavatel: ACER – Agentura EU pro spolupráci energetických regulačních orgánů, Ljubljana

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €930.000

Deadline 18/5

The subject of the contract will the provision of development, maintenance, and support services for Java applications, which shall include as a minimum:

Task 1. Development of new web-based applications

The development activities carried out by the Contractor shall include development and deployment of new web-based applications targetting specific needs of the Agency.

The new web-based applications shall take into consideration specific needs of the Agency, in order to serve/intercept specific information or/and specific interactive forms which are needed for the Agency’s working activities (e.g. monitorings, data gatherings, surveys, etc.)

In particular, it is foreseen that these new web-based applications shall at least cover the Agency’s needs in the integration of data sources and application information models, data and knowledge retrieval from existing and newly connected data sources, linking of data coming from different applications and data sources in order to facilitate search and knowledge retrieval, analysis and modelling based on stored data, and knowledge management.

The new web-based applications shall be developed using widely-used protocols, frameworks and industry standards (e.g. SSL secure transmission protocol, Thymeleaf or Angular frameworks, etc.) The applications shall be developed in Java or languages derived from Java (e.g. Groovy, Kotlin) and shall run within open Java runtime framework (e.g. Open JDK).

The new web-based applications need to be integrated with the already existing Agency’s application services (e.g. LDAP9, mail service, etc.) In particular, the new web-based applications shall be integrated with AEGIS system, except for cases where such integration will not be requested by tge Agency.

All the new web-based applications shall be tested by the Contractor and by the Agency berfore release. The Contractor shall provide error-free functionalities. All the new web-based applications shall be accompanied by at least three (3) month guarantee ensuring free-of-charge removal of bugs and errors.

All developed applications when deployed shall be accompanied by a detailed documentation (e.g. technical documentation, user manuals) and the full source codes of all modules and libraries used.

All the new web-based applications shall be developed using Agile project management approach (e.g. Scrum). The Contractor shall provide project management environment including ticketing, and feature and request management (e.g Jira, Redmine).

The Contractor shall provide a testing environment where all functionalities of the new web-based applications shall be tested before deployment in production environment provided by the Agency.

Task 2. Maintenance and support of new and existing applications

The Contractor shall provide as a minimum:

– Maintenance of:

o all newly developed applications and

o existing applications

by delivery of new functionalities and features within existing functionalities and changes required to prevent possible errors (e.g. changes of the user interface, adaptation of communication services, etc.) The Contractor shall support the Agency in the above-mentioned needs, providing a viable solution based on the best technical solutions available on the market..

The Contractor shall also provide a maintenance management environment (e.g. Jira, Redmine) where requests for maintenance shall be handled and traced, starting from the Agency request until the delivery of the requested service.

– Support services for:

o newly developed applications and

o existing applications.

Support services shall rely on timely (e.g. within the resolution time foreseen below) removal of bugs and errors in the supported software. If a service request cannot be fulfilled because of technical limitations (e.g. newer Java version), a viable alternative solution shall be proposed by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall also provide an issue management environment (e.g. Jira, Redmine) where requests for support shall be handled and traced, starting from the Agency request until the resolution of the issue.

The Contractor shall also provide a help desk (i.e. a Single Point of Contact – SPOC) support to the Agency in the event of an unexpected behaviour of the Java environment and nested applications (such as interruption of service, application error or bug) according to the reaction time defined below on the basis of the priority level defined by the Agency.

The minimum requirements for the technical support reaction time, which shall be requested via e-mail and/or by teleconference application like Skype or Microsoft Teams, are as follows:

– From one (1) hour response time to maximum four (4) hours response time for issuing analysis and giving a solution including assessment of resolve time for: low requests, medium complex requests and complex requests.

The minimum requirements for the resolution time, based on the complexity of the request, are as follows:

– Twenty-four (24) hours resolution time for low level requests. Such a request requires a maximum of four (4) working days of a Java developer.

– Forty eight (48) hours resolution time for medium complex requests or requests concerning a recovery from critical errors preventing use of the application. Such a request requires a minimum of 4 hours to a maximum of one (1) working day of a Java developer. – Three (3) working days resolution time for complex requests. Such a request requires at least two (2) working days of a Java developer.

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