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European SatCen needs study on AI solutions for IMINT processes

Call: Landscape study on artificial intelligence solutions supporting complex imagery intelligence processes

Contracting Authority: SatCen (EU Satellite Centre), Torrejon de Ardoz. Madrid (SP)

EoI deadline 9/4

Description of the contract: The SatCen plans to award a direct service contract to one economic operator for the performance of a landscape study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) processes and a common framework for AI knowledge sharing within the user community.

The landscape study is part of a joint project launched by the SatCen and the European Defence Agency (EDA), named MATRIX (Machine-based Algorithms and Tools for enRiched IMINT eXploitation). The project’s main ambition is to foster the creation of a common framework for addressing AI applications that can effectively and efficiently support the needs of the IMINT community, paving the way for future developments.

The selected contractor will perform a study that serves as a preparatory work to identify potential use cases where AI is applied to the IMINT business process to streamline it, thus providing increased effectiveness.

Specifically, the contractor will be expected to perform six tasks:

•             Task 1 – User needs and requirements analysis

•             Task 2 – State of the art in artificial intelligence for IMINT applications

•             Task 3 – Business use case definition

•             Task 4 – Dataset structure design

•             Task 5 – Project follow-on analysis

•             Task 6 – Technical assistance in the presentation of contract results in MATRIX meetings  

The total maximum estimated value of the contract amounts to €120.000 excl. VAT.

The services shall be provided during a maximum period of 15 months.

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