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Komunikační tendr pro DG ENV za €20.2m

Evropská komise (ředitelství pro životní prostředí/Climate Action) vypsalo tendr na rámcový kontrakt na informační a komunikační služby. Na 4 roky, pouze s jedním uchazečem (což je pro vybraného uchazečen z hlediska ceny velmi velmi výhodné:) Celkový rozpočet 20.200.000€. Deadline 13/3.

Zakázka je rozdělena na 5 lotů:
lot 1 ‘Event and exhibition organisation, materials and services’: 4.000.000€
lot 2 ‘Paper and electronic publication services, app design, writing, graphic design, translations and editorialwork’: 2.000.000€
lot 3 ‘Evaluation of communication activities and products’: 600.000€
lot 4 ‘Promotional articles and participants’ kits’: 500.000€
lot 5 ‘Audiovisual production and support for TV, radio and Web productions: 3.000.000€
Lot č. 1 není z Česka realizovatelný, dvojka a trojka ale ano. Stručný popis lotu č.2: This lot covers services related to: editorial support, translations, graphic design, layout, development of e-pubs, development of apps. A stručný popis trojky: This lot covers services related to assessment of the communication actions or tools in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DG Environment external communication activities, including: defining objectives and indicators, defining suitable methodology, implementation, drafting reports containing conclusions, ‘lessons learned’, making recommendations. více na

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