Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

EU hledá agenturu na propagaci výjimečných turistických destinací

Tendr: Zvyšování povědomí a propagace turistických destinací EDEN (European Destinations of Excellence)

Zadavatel: Výkonná agentura pro malé a střední podniky, Brussels – BE

Kontrakt na 18 měsíců

Budget €1.350.000

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídke: 21/11

Stručný popis: Půjde o vývoj a realizaci celoevropské informační a propagační kampaně pro iniciativu Evropské komise EDEN. Cílem iniciativy je podporovat udržitelné modely správy destinací v oblasti cestovního ruchu v celé Evropě prostřednictvím výběru a podpory evropských destinací excelence.

Iniciativa má „upozornit na hodnotu, rozmanitost a společné charakteristiky evropských turistických destinací a propagovat destinace, kde je cíl hospodářského růstu sledován tak, aby byla zajištěna sociální, kulturní a environmentální udržitelnost cestovního ruchu“.

Evropská komise zahájila iniciativu EDEN v roce 2006 jako pilotní projekt a pokračovala v jejím provádění v podobě přípravné akce až do roku 2011. Od roku 2011 je iniciativa EDEN organizována prostřednictvím dvou typů výzev k předkládání nabídek určených všem členským státům EU a dalším zemím, které se účastní programu EIP/COSME. Ročně se na iniciativě EDEN podílí v průměru 20 zemí COSME.

Česko je členem (např. v roce 2017 vyhrály v kategorii “Cultural Tourism” zámky na řece Orlici – na fotce Zámek Doudleby), Slovensko bohužel ne.

Kritéria pro zadání zakázky: kvalita 50% x cena 50%:

Kritérium kvality – Název: Relevantnost a přesnost navrhované metodiky / Váha: 30

Kritérium kvality – Název: Kvalita navrhované metodiky / Váha: 30

Kritérium kvality – Název: Organizace práce a zdrojů / Váha: 20

Kritérium kvality – Název: Dopad a zviditelnění / Váha: 20

Tasks: to meet the objectives mentioned in section 1.3, the contractor will perform; as a minimum, the following tasks: 

1. design and implement a coherent communication strategy (set of communication and promotion actions) in order to raise awareness of the EDEN concept and increase the visibility of the EDEN destinations awarded in 2007-2017 (winners and runners-up);

2. design and implement the most cost-efficient and cost-effective 18 months awareness raising and communication campaign using the most appropriate, creative and attractive promotional messages, media forms and dissemination channels for different target audiences;

3. group all the EDEN destinations by several themes to be promoted and identify the relevant target audiences for each of the theme (families with small children, youth, senior/retired travellers, adventurers), 

4. define and list sub target groups with highest relevance and potential to the campaign (taking into account geographic, as well as demographic and socio-economic factors) and adapt the content and the channels used to these groups. When targeting local audiences, local languages should be used by experts with specific language knowledge.  

5. implement the social media analysis based on media consumption of target audiences to select the most relevant social media channels to maximise the impact of the social media advertising and promotion;

6. create a visual identity integrating the existing EDEN logo in compliance with the EC requirements; 

7. measure generated behavioural impacts of the campaign on target audience: 

a. For the first level of such behavioural impacts (i.e. perception change) run at least two surveys among target audience – one before the campaign starts, so called base-line survey, and one after (optionally one half-way through). All these surveys must feature the same questions and can therefore measure an opinion shift (if any) during the campaign. 

b. For the second level of behavioural impact (actions – from preliminary ones like finding more information, to the actual visit of the destination) – put in place methods and tools to be able to measure this level of impact as much as possible. Examples of metrics to measure include: increased number of visits to the website of the EDEN destinations, enquiries by telephone or email, bookings, number of visits to the destination(s)…). All the selected metrics have to be compared before, during and after the campaign. 

8. provide advice on checking the number of visits and revamping, as necessary, the EDEN page on Europa website  to make it more user friendly, in compliance with the EC requirements9.

9. prepare interim and final reports describing the implementation of the campaign and summarising the results;

10. perform an ex-post evaluation of the communication activities that are part of this contract. The contractor shall fill the ex-post evaluation form of DG GROW external communication activities and return it to the contracting authority within one month of completion of the communication activity.


 Work Package 1: Social media campaign

 Work Package 2: Online campaign

 Work Package 3: Participation in major tourism fairs

 Work Package 4: Traditional advertising

 Work Package 5: Promotional materials 

Criteria Evidence

 Criterion A1: The tenderer must prove experience in conducting European-wide (i.e. campaigns covering two or more EU countries) communication campaigns.

 Evidence A1: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in the last three years with a minimum value for each project of € 1.000.000.  

 Criterion A2: The tenderer must prove capacity to work in EU official languages including at least English and French. 

 Evidence A2: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in the last three years showing the necessary language coverage. 

 Criterion A3: The tenderer must prove capacity to draft reports in English. 

 Evidence A3: the tenderer must provide one document of at least 10 pages (report, study, etc.) in this language that it has drafted and published or delivered to a client in the last two years. The verification will be carried out on 5 pages of the document.

 Criterion A4: The tenderer must prove its capacity to work in at least 6 EU countries.

  Evidence A4: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in the last three years. Each project must cover the required geographical scope. 

 Criterion A5: The tenderer must have a robust network of local partners, capable of producing high quality content in local languages and adapting to the local audiences, in the countries participating in the EDEN initiative which are not covered by its project experience. 

 Evidence A5: the tenderer must provide letters of intent from the local partners

Požadavky na minimální obrat: Its average annual turnover for the last two years for which the accounts have been closed shall amount to at least one and a half times the volume of the market for activities similar to those subject of the present call for tenders as specified in point II.1.5 of the contract notice; this criterion applies to the tenderer as a whole, i.e. the combined capacity of all members of a group in case of a joint tender and subcontractors whose capacity is necessary to fulfil this criterion.

Požadované složení realizačního týmu:

Project Manager

Language quality check

Communication manager: 

Event manager 

Audio-visual manager

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