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EU agentura z Dublinu potřebuje pomoc s infrastrukturními ICT projekty


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Tendr: Služby externí podpory při provádění infrastrukturních projektů v oblasti ICT

Zadavatel: Eurofound – Evropská nadace pro zlepšení životních a pracovních podmínek, Dublin, Irsko

Kontrakt na 48 měsíců / budget €400.000

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek: 2/8

The purpose of this contract is to provide consultancy and implementation of agreed ICT development, networking and application/system projects. Furthermore, the contract will also be used to provide ICT support via a Helpdesk for urgent issues that are not part of scheduled work agreed in the development, networking and application/system projects.

Scope of the work: Following scheduled meetings with the contractor each year a set of ICT projects will be identified under the following categories:

1. ICT Cloud Services (SAAS, PAAS, IAAS)

2. Development / Applications

3. Networking

4. Security and Compliance Policy and Implementation

5. ICT Hardware / Infrastructure 

where the high-level requirements of the projects are established, and level of effort estimated.

Expected deliverables: It is envisaged that a range of ICT infrastructure, development, networking, cloud and application/system projects will be implemented during the contractual period.  The following is a sample list of potential ICT projects to be implemented during the contract. Each project will include an analysis of Eurofound’s business requirements, identification of suitable technology solution, implementation of an appropriate solution and project documentation. Please see sample list below for indicative purposes only:

• Project 1 – Anti-virus market assessment and implementation o Review of current Eurofound AV environment with analysis on issues / potential threats; o Market assessment on industry standard threat management/ prevention products; o Provide recommendations based on market analysis and Eurofound’s requirements / environment; o Establish a migration plan.

• Project 2 – Upgrade from CRM Dynamics 2013 On-Premise to Dynamics 365 o Establish a full migration project plan that encompasses the following: ▪ Prepare As/Is assessment of current CRM 2013 farm; ▪ Provision proof of concept Dynamics 365 instance in the cloud and perform trial migration; ▪ Catalogue list of issues and document their impact and alleviated actions; ▪ Provision and configure Production instance in the cloud to industry best practices and migrate data from 2013 On-premise farm; ▪ Implement alleviated actions on migrated production instance in the cloud; ▪ Document the new CRM Online set up.

• Project 3 – Mobile device security policy o Establish a full list of mobile device security options available in O365 o Analyse Eurofound’s requirements and environment resulting in a report that: ▪ Drafts a list of industry standard best practice recommendations; ▪ Outlines an Impact assessment of implementing recommendations; ▪ Establishes an implementation plan; o Implement these recommendations following approval.

• Project 4 – Overall Network Performance Analysis with recommendations o Perform a full network scan for performance, threat and protocol analysis; o Establish an As/is network and traffic design document; o Provide recommendations based on industry best practices;  o Implement action points based on recommendations.

• Project 5 – IT Disaster Recovery Plan – Business Continuity Plan o Annual review of the ICT Business Continuity Plan / Security Plan; o Updating of existing Business Continuity plan; o Review Backup strategy & procedures; o Test restore for most critical network components; o Perform switchover to DR secondary site; o Update DR Plan to reflect new Software & Hardware systems implemented since the last plan. 

• Project 6 – Migration from Skype For Business Online to Microsoft Teams o Analysis of current use of Skype for Business in Eurofound; o GAP analysis of feature parity in Microsoft Teams; o Business Impact Analysis: Identify applications, processes and data governance consequences impacted by moving from Skype For Business to Microsoft Teams with recommendations of remedial actions; o Plan and implement roll out of Microsoft Teams; o Plan and deploy meeting room set up for Microsoft Teams; o Provide end-user Microsoft Teams training.

• Project 7 – Migrate custom list application from SharePoint on-premise 2010 to SharePoint Online o Analysis of on-premise list and the business process it facilitates; o Provide recommendations on how the list could be improved using new features available in SharePoint Online; o Development of the agreed updated list in SharePoint Online; o Migration of the data from the on-premise list to the Online list; o Update or re-create any supplementary reports that use the list as a data source.

• Project 8 – PowerBI ICT Dashboard o Requirements Analysis:  ▪ Analysis of ICT Dashboard requirements; ▪ Analysis of systems which provide critical data to the ICT Unit to ensure operational efficiency; ▪ Analysis of processes in which ICT operational data is collected. o PowerBI: ▪ Connect to data sources; Transform and relate data from data sources using Power Query and relationships; ▪ Design appropriate visualisations which provide insight to the data; ▪ Design an ICT dashboard.

• Project 9 – Connect Eurofound On-Premise network to a Microsoft Azure virtual network o Analysis of existing network and resources suitable to move to Azure; o Plan, design and configure cross premise Azure Virtual network; o Provision and deploy agreed resources to Azure Virtual Network; o Assessment and optimisation; o Provide relevant Azure training and documentation to Eurofound ICT staff.

• Project 10 – Security and Compliance Consultancy in O365 o Provide an overview presentation of the security and compliance features in O365; o Analyse Eurofound use-cases and make relevant security and compliance recommendations based on industry best practice; o Implement agreed security and compliance configurations; o Document implemented security and compliance configurations.

Základní požadavky:

Reference: References for minimum 3 similar contracts carried out over the past max. 3 years, with minimum annual value of EUR 50,000 each, detailed description, value, dates, names and contact information for follow up.Složení týmu: * Contract / Account Manager: Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience on contract management in the area of this tender at European and/or national level. * Project Manager: Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience with certification in project management in the area of this tender. * Senior Consultant: Minimum of 8 years proven experience with certification in conducting projects/support/consultancy in the area of this tender. * Technical Consultant: Minimum of 5 years proven experience with certification, of which at least 3 are relevant to the specific project in the area of this tender.

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