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EU agentura pro duševní vlastnictví potřebuje pomoc s komunikací, od PR přes digitální marketing a grafiku po AV produkci

Call : Integrované komunikační služby v oblasti duševního vlastnictví, zahrnující vztahy s veřejností a kampaně, digitální marketing, návrhy a audiovizuální služby

Zadavatel : Úřad Evropské unie pro duševní vlastnictví (EUIPO), Alicante

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €7.195.000

Stručný popis: Cílem soutěže je zadání jedné rámcové smlouvy na poskytnutí integrovaných komunikačních služeb v oblasti duševního vlastnictví, pokrývajících vztahy s veřejností a kampaně, digitální marketing, návrhy a audiovizuální služby.

Content and Scope – PR and Communications Campaigns

The Contractor will be required to give advice on and design integrated communication strategies, awareness campaigns and action plans according to the Office’s priorities.

The Contractor will also assist the Office with individual communication activities and with priority actions aimed at certain priority targets.

The development of communication and awareness campaigns might involve brand management activities, including the development of a visual identity, set of values, positioning and messaging strategy, based on existing studies and research performed by the Office.

The following list of tasks that may potentially be requested is non-exhaustive.

PR and editorial tasks

• Searching for and processing information as requested by the Office.

• Proposal and drafting of messages and all types of relevant content aimed at target audiences in all formats (blog posts, op-ed pieces, microblogging, web editing, media materials, etc.).

• Production of presentation and promotional material for campaigns and other awareness activities, including electronic presentations, infographics, texts and graphics, Q&As, posters, games, competitions.

• Drafting, translation and linguistic adaptation of messages developed in the context of public and communication campaigns into and from all official EU languages.

• Monitoring the impacts of PR actions including the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of media results.


• Definition of strategies for campaigns reflecting on, among others, the political and institutional context, local environment, stakeholders communication priorities, cultural sensitivities: redraft and refine message(s), identify target groups, propose activities and tools including planning, budget, impact analysis, monitoring and reporting.

• Development of social media campaigns, influencers’ campaigns and other innovative online campaigns.

• Production of social media material for campaigns and the management of paid marketing.

• Media buying in online, print and audiovisual media and monitoring of results.

Graphic tasks

• Graphic design, layout, and production of files in the format required for the production of publications such as reports, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, print, TV and online advertisements, project descriptions and magazines.

• Provision of dummies, including taking photographs and retrieving/formatting images, pictures and other illustrations.

• Creation and production of infographics as well as any other visual data.

• Creation of artwork such as photographs, illustrations, GIFs and other animated visuals, drawings, logos, comic scripts, paintings, campaign mascots, etc.

• Creation of artwork for all types of outdoor advertising and point-of-purchase displays.

• Production of promotional and presentation material (conference kits, information packs, folders, business cards, slides).

• Selection and delivery of visual content, including images and videos for editorial and communication purposes.

In addition to supplying the finished product, the Contractor will make the source files, photos and fonts used available to the Office so that these, or the elements they contain, can be re-used in the same form or in a modified form in future communication actions or by other Office Contractors.

Digital communication

• Creation, production, operation and updating of internet sites, landing pages and/or intranets, including developing its mobile versions.

• Support in identifying and/or developing content management systems.

• Creation and production of newsletters and all sorts of e-publications, such as e-books, electronic articles and online magazines.

• Creation of digital libraries of electronic content, where appropriate, digital interactive materials and visuals for outreach purposes.

• Creation and production of smartphone applications for all available platforms.

• Design and production of web ads and mobile banner ads.

• Set up, community management and dashboard management of social media channels.

• Perform web buzz analyses and social media monitoring including sentiment analysis, text mining of websites, blogs, discussion forums and other social media.

• Design and creation of products for the web, including the creation and development of concept, structure and content. Web products might include but are not restricted to: ergonomic interfaces, illustrations, banners, electronic signatures, screensavers, web icons, wallpaper, online games, music files, podcasts.

• Manage live web streaming from awareness activities such as webinars. Managing virtual activities by combining presentations with interactive services such as chat or microblogging.

• Suggest new web tools to reach target audiences more effectively.

• Provide Search Engine Optimisation services and web mastering services.

• Creation, production and updating of offline audiovisual and multimedia materials (such as games, simulators and animations).

• Creation, production and updating of sites or applications for dissemination on mobile equipment, including installation in terminals/electronic kiosks.

• Management of digital marketing advertisements, including media placement, cost-accounting and reporting.

• Web editing and social media editing tasks, including adapting content for display in mobile devices.

• Delivering direct marketing campaigns via mail, email, social media, texting and others.

Audiovisual services

• Development of original concepts, script ideas and scenarios.

• Production of videos in various formats such as documentaries, video clips, viral and promotional clips, gif, etc.

• Co-productions with radio and television, and other media, where appropriate.

• Coverage and audiovisual post-production of awareness activities and interviews.

• Subtitling and dubbing of audiovisual work.

• Transposition and reproduction of all products for dissemination in the appropriate formats (the formats required will be communicated when the specific order is placed). e.g. MPEG4 for online video streaming.

• Production of audiovisual reports on the broadcast and print coverage garnered by the public relation actions included in the campaign.

In addition to the delivery of audiovisual productions, the Contractor will make the masters of the edited material, the raw cut footage and full rushes of the audiovisual products available to the Office, all of this to be accompanied by shot lists with time codes in English. The formats and numbers of copies required will be determined by the Office for each specific action.

Furthermore, the Contractor will deliver all edited productions in a format adapted for web distribution, including high definition and low definition streaming formats suitable for viewing with widely available end-user software. The Contractor will deliver productions adapted to be shown on a large screen for relevant purposes as requested by the Office. The formats to be provided will be defined in advance with the Office staff.

Campaign gatherings offline and online

• Design of the campaign activity.

• Management of participation.

• Transport/distribution of all information and communication material prepared for the campaign activity.

• Graphic design of internal and external displays for the campaign activity, and all materials linked to it (billboards, roll-ups, stands, posters, etc.).

• Assembly and dismantling of exhibits, stands, storage and transport and on-site assistance, provided this is an integrated part of the campaign.

• Campaign follow-up, including developing, disseminating and analysing surveys targeted at selected audiences.

All source files corresponding to the products and actions, as well as other products, where relevant, generated during the performance of this contract (particularly as part of the editorial, graphic, electronic and audiovisual tasks) will be transferred to the Office.

The Contractor may be assigned tasks to ensure the optimal dissemination of products to the selected target audiences. The communication tools and products intended for dissemination may be produced by the Contractor under this contract or by other sources. The Contractor will be responsible for advising the Office as to the suitability of disseminating any third-party material.

The following tasks may be involved in the promotion and dissemination of campaign tools and products.

• Pre-testing of the services envisaged among specific audiences.

• Adapting the message format to the communication strategy.

• Drawing up and implementing communication campaigns, including the management of promotion and marketing (negotiation with advertising outlets, purchasing of print and web space, airtime, outdoor advertising and product placement).

• Designing and implementing web advertising campaigns, including display ads on websites (such as static banners, pop-ups, videos, and floating units), keyword search ads and advertising in social media platforms.

• Providing access to a network of national communication agencies capable of implementing a Europe-wide information and communication campaign.

• Managing PR, including organising PR activities and developing suitable materials.

• Designing and managing viral marketing campaigns as a tool to reach selected audiences.

• Organising meetings and video conferencing with decision makers and multipliers.

• Liaising with the Office Observatory stakeholders for the implementation of campaigns and awareness activities.

• Managing email blasts, direct mail, newsletter subscription services, telemarketing, SMS and MMS campaigns.

• Designing and maintaining databases on the selected target audiences for direct marketing purposes.

• Designing, developing and executing marketing campaigns using corporate, community or celebrity spokespeople as well as influencers.

Deadline 22/11

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