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EU agency EASO needs Video Production for Training


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Provision of Video Production Services for Training Purposes

European Asylum Support Office (EASO), Valetta – MALTA

Short description: EASO wishes to procure provision of video production services for training purposes which will enable the Training and Professional Development Centre in EASO in the process of revising and redesigning new training modules.

Framework contract for 48 months / budget €600.000

Deadline: Dec. 22

Basic requirements:

1) Average yearly turnover of the last three financial years above €100.000

2) At least 3 similar (in scope and complexity) contracts completed in the last three years preceding the tender submission deadline, with a minimum value for each of them €40.000


1. A list of contracts meeting the minimum level of capacity. The list shall include details of their start and end date, total contract amount and scope (production (including shooting and editing) of videos and/or films), role and amount invoiced. In case of contracts still on-going only the portion completed during the reference period will be taken into consideration.

2. A sample of a video or a film (from 5 minute to 10 minutes length), with at least one actor, at least one voice over and subtitles, music/sound effects, on any thematic/topic, produced in the last three years. The video does not have to be produced under a contract with a minimum value of €40.000. The format can be mp4 or any other readable format. A video of a longer length than specified above and can be cut off to fit in the range above.

3) Team composition:

– One Contract Manager

– One Director/Script writer

– One Technician (Cameraman)

– One Technician (Editor)

Evaluation method: quality 60% x price 40%

Quality criteria:

1) Proposed composition and organisation of the project team – 10 points

• The tenderer shall provide a detailed description of the proposed composition and organisation of the project team, detailing the role of each team member and how the framework contract and specific contracts will be managed in general, including details on the service delivery management and contract administration in compliance with point 4 of the Tender specifications – Part 2: Technical specifications.

2) Proposed project organisation and approach for ensuring quality assurance and quality control – 15 points

• The tenderer shall provide a description of a timeline (in terms of days) and organisation for each proposed step of the video production process (pre-production, production and post production), as defined in point 4.2.1 of of the Tender specifications – Part 2:Technical specifications, which will clearly explain the progression of the contract/project as well as any relevant systems/tools/method planned to be used in video production.

• The tenderer shall provide a description of Internal Review quality mechanism in place that should cover different phases of video/film production and should explain who and when of the personnel is involved in the revision in each phase of production. In addition, one or more rounds of feedback from EASO to the project should be clearly incorporated in this quality feedback mechanism.

3) Description of the technical resources and its quality – 15 points

• Tenderer has to provide description of the quality of available technologies, venues/studios, filming equipment and other equipment or devices that will be used during contract implementation in producing videos (including any subcontracted equipment). The tenderer must as well describe how this equipment and technologies will be used during the contract implementation. The equipment proposed must comply with the minimum requirements of the Technical specifications.

4) Description of elements of the scenario – 60 points

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