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DG ENV 2012 indicative planning: communication


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ENV F.3 — communication: Project title; provisional date of publication; indicative budget EUR; contract type (SER, ETU or FRA): Framework contract for information and communication services in the field of the environment: lot 1: eventand exhibition organisation, materials and services, lot 2: paper, online and electronic publication services,graphic design, translations, editorial work and urgent printing, lot 3: evaluation of communication activities andproducts, lot 4: promotional articles and participants’ kits; November 2012; lot 1: total of 7 200 000 (1 800 000 x4 years), lot 2: total of 4 000 000 (1 000 000 x 4 years), lot 3: total of 1 200 000 (300 000 x 4 years), lot 4: totalof 1 000 000 (250 000 x 4 years); framework.

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